“But we will remember and trust in the name of the Lord our God.” Psalm 20:7b (AMP)
A dream
3rd August 2024 I had a dream, I was standing on the deck of a boat. The weather was nice, I could hear birds squawking overhead and the fresh sea breeze filled my senses. There was just enough wind to move us gently along and that was more than ok because there was no rush. I felt at peace until someone yelled “rogue wave”. I turned and could see a HUGE wave was building behind us. As time moved forward, I felt the boat shifting and I started to feel scared. The next sensation I felt was the boat being tugged towards the wave and my fear grew, I could feel the fierce turbulence building beneath us. I didn’t think our boat could possibly survive such a massive wave and fear began to stir within me. But before fear could overtake me, I took my eyes off the wave and looked instead at the shore, I held on tightly to the railing and kept saying over and over again: “Jesus”, I turned His name into a prayer. After some more turmoil the wave moved until it was under us and the boat then rode the wave towards the shore. The closer we got the clearer it became that ahead of us was the “promised land”. When we arrived on shore, I went down below to gather my things and there was a special pouch waiting with a message from royalty along with a cheque.
Prophetic message
When I awoke, I sensed that the dream was a prophetic message for me and I prayed for clarity. I sensed that the dream represented that God’s cleansing would come again in the form of a great wave that would bring turbulence for a little while but would also carry me to my “promise land” – the place of COMPLETE healing which in turn WILL release me into the Good things God has planned for me. I feel that the cheque was a reminder that God WILL provide for the ministry ideas that He has given to me. I studied a verse and created this:
Though some find their strength in their weapons and their wisdom, let us boast in the name of the Lord our God. For miracle-deliverance can never be won by mankind, it is Yahweh, our God, who makes us strong and gives us victory. So let us ALWAYS remember to trust in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour! (inspired by Psalms 20:7 AMP, NLT & TPT)
Acknowledge and thank God
A few days later as I went through my Bible Recap reading plan what stood out to me was that after Hezekiah was healed, he didn’t acknowledge or thank God because his heart had become proud (2 Chronicles 32:25). I see this as a warning for me, a reminder that when the final healing comes, I need to ALWAYS remember God healed me and acknowledge Him in ALL my ways, in everything that I do and say.
This is my prayer: O LORD, let my praise rise to You alone. If You heal me Lord then I will be truly and completely healed, if You save me then I am truly and FULLY saved. Let ALL the praise, glory and honour go to You, my great and mighty Lord. (inspired by Jeremiah 17:14 NLT & TPT)
The wave hits
Just over a month later, on the 4th of September, I faced an incredibly tough day. I struggled to get out of bed as I was in so much joint pain, I did mange to get up but after breakfast I returned to bed where I tried to watch my shows. As I was teary watching was difficult. Around lunchtime I forced myself to have a shower where I had a huge cry and then as I was trying to dry myself it was just all too much and I collapsed to the floor sobbing. I just wanted to lay on the floor and give up. Life felt too overwhelming to continue. I had worship music playing and when I heard the name of Jesus I was reminded of my dream. I pictured myself hanging on tight to the railing of the boat from my dream and riding the wave rather than allowing it to wash me off the deck and plunge me into the murky depths of despair. Hubby came home and hugged me and asked me to meet him upstairs to chat but I procrastinated – I hung up washing, read my book in bed, made and ate lunch. Then when I did try to explain what was going on I didn’t do a very good job so he was ultra confused. Thankfully we got there in the end and made a plan of how to get some help.
Hope returns
22 days later, as I compiled my journey, I realised something wonderful – things are on the improve, Hope has returned. I started on some hormones and gradually things have been improving. I still have some lingering issues that are frustrating me but when I shared this with a friend, she declared that it’s the start of the healing journey and I appreciated that SO much. It’s a truth I’ll cling to and keep reminding myself about.
What about you?
As we begin a new year, I wonder what stage you’re at:
Are you currently in a place of peace? If so how wonderful, take a moment to praise and thank God for His perfect peace.
Is there a threat looming that is causing dread to descend upon you? I encourage you to call upon the mighty name of Jesus, cling to the promise that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved and experience new life (see Romans 10:13). Just like I did in my dream make Jesus’ name a prayer that you pray often. Allow His salvation to do a new thing in your heart today.
Are you in the midst of the battle, surrounded by turbulence that is threatening to throw you into the depths of despair? Keep praying, keep praising God remember that it’s not by our own might, nor by our own strength that we win the battle, it is by the Spirit of the Lord (Zechariah 4:6). Remind yourself that the Lord is with you, fighting for you against your enemies, to save and deliver you (Deuteronomy 20:4).
Watch with wonder as victory comes forth from God who rules in heaven and over all the kingdoms of the nations. Power and might are in His hands and there are none that can stand against Him. Though we are powerless against the assaults that come against us, though we do not know what to do, we can fix our eyes upon our mighty God. So let us no longer be afraid or dismayed at the fight we are in, for the battle is not ours but God’s! Let faith arise as we believe in and trust in the Lord our God. Let’s stand and praise as we become established and secure in our salvation. Let’s continue to declare and act upon the Truths God has revealed and we will succeed (2 Chronicles 20:6, 12, 15, 20).
Join me in this prayer for the New Year:
Oh, Lord God, I ask You to answer my prayers! I am in distress and I NEED You to respond. I long for Your tender kindness, Your grace and Your compassion. Rain down Your unending love until it saturates every fibre of my being. Oh, Lord God, I ask You to reply to my request! I am in misery and I NEED You to act. Turn Your face towards me and let Your heart flow with compassion. Swiftly run to my rescue, pour out Your sweet comfort. Surround me with Your blessed assurance until I radiate with hope!
Inspired by Psalms 69:16-17 (AMP & TPT)
Lord Jesus, I pray that the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart are pleasing to you, my Rock and my Redeemer. May every movement of my heart be always pure and pleasing to You, my Protector.
Inspired by Psalms 19:14 (NLT & TPT)
I pray that this has encouraged you and has given you some tools to help with the coming year.
Many blessings,
I have created a playlist which has sustained me through the battle and I hope that the following songs bring you comfort as you listen:
“Find My Peace” – Naomi Raine
“The Valley Song” – Jars of Clay
“Your Love is Holding Me” – Urban Rescue
“Same God” (radio version) – Elevation Worship
“Forever YHWH” – Elevation Worship
“Provider” – Urban Rescue
“Made2run” – Hannah Barr
“Praise” (radio version) – Elevation Worship
“Palm of Your Hand” – Brandon Lake
“Kids”– Brandon Lake
The 2 songs by Brandon are from his album “Coat of Many Colors” which has some other great songs on it.