Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
Do you listen to Christian fiction podcasts?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
Let’s chat!
Yes I listen to Storychats by Inspy romance which is for Contemporary Christian Fiction. Narelle Atkins is one of the hosts and it comes out every Friday night Australian time. I have listened to one other but not regularly like Storychats.
Your turn.
I look forward to reading your comments here or at the FB group. Remember all comments go into the monthly drawer for a gift voucher.
I know they’re very popular but I don’t listen to podcasts or audio books of any kind. I’m an avid reader of physical books though (hubby says I consume them).
I’ve tried to listren to podcasts but somehow the voice from the speaker becomes an extra sensory element that blocks my ability to really engage with the story. I’ve heard others say the same.
That said, I think Christian fiction podcasts are a wonderful idea and I’m glad they’re out there in the world inspiring people.
Hi Suzie I should have said I watch Story Chats on Youtube. listening to podcasts I am like you. Same with audio books. My mind wanders. It does when I take my music with me on a walk. Yesterday I walked to the letterbox and got there and realised 2 songs had finished without me even realising when the second one stared. If they were not on youtube as well I wouldn’t listen.
Ah, Story Chats. Thanks Jenny, seems I was on the wrong wavelength. So many new things for an old dog to learn! … (Insert LOL emoji here) :o)
Probably not I think podcasts are as you are thinking. I just know a few are also on youtube. otherwise I am not likely to listen to them as I have an attention span of a gnat.
Hi Jenny. I don’t listen to Christian fiction podcasts (I didn’t know they were a thing!) but I listen to Christian fiction audio books as I drive to and from work. I can’t read a physical book behind the wheel but I can listen to one!
there are quite a few out but I don’t know too many of them. I know of a few who listen to audio books.
I don’t listen to any podcasts. Just not something I’ve gotten into.
Yes I have not gotten into them either. I don’t listen a lot to audio books but if I have a chance I do. I have listened to them at night sometimes.
I will look at StoryChats, though.
Hi Jenny, Thanks for mentioning StoryChats @ InspyRomance podcast/YouTube. Elizabeth Maddrey, Valerie Comer and I have so much fun putting the episodes together and talking about all thing contemporary Christian romance. Occasionally our feline friends visit, and the beautiful Coonie from Canada is the YouTube star, lol. 😊
The only one I subscribe to is Thomas Umstattd Jr.’s because he includes a transcript I can just read. I don’t enjoy sitting and listening to something. I’ve only listened to an audio book once and that’s because it was the only version of the book my library had. I got used to it eventually, but I kept wanting the narrarator to hurry it up!
StoryChats on YouTube was a bit better because it included people to watch, but still I struggle to sit listen for prolonged periods of time, and if I’m up and doing things, I’ll keep missing bits. My hearing isn’t the best when there is noise around me. I prefer to read.