Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
How often do you like to receive author newsletters?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
Let’s chat!
I personally prefer at the maximum once a month but would be happy with every 3 months. That is unless there is a book reveal. I don’t mind if an author only sends out a newsletter when a book comes out. My theory is less is best. I have left a few lists when the author was sending out several a week. Or they were constantly pushing a new book on a daily or semi daily basis.
Your turn.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2020.
That depends on what is in them. For some that include good devotionals, occasional book reviews (especially if the book is on sale for $2.99 or less), info on progress on the author’s upcoming release, book humor, etc., every 1-2 weeks is fine or once a month. But there are those I always read because I love the content, and others I click open, scan headings, and delete because there’s not much there. For the latter, a newsletter or two just before a release is often enough. Sending one just to be on a schedule for sending something doesn’t appeal to me at all.
True. I had one author sending out posts every day about a new book. Sometimes twice a day. I got so sick of it. Another kept offering extra content if you could prove you had preordered her book. I ended up leaving the list cos of the constant hard sell and the fact she was sending emails every day.
I also agree with sending just cos you have a schedule. I am on a couple that seem to send on a fortnightly schedule and tend to be plugging friends books. I tend to open and delete.
I think because all authors I’ve been told to put out a newsletter now, there are too many newsletters altogether. If it had been just one or two authors, who need to put out a newsletter, then once a month would have been plenty. But as it is I’m afraid I have unsubscribed from some authors s lists, because there is just too much stuff in my inbox.
I fully agree. In someways there could be a call to do joint newsletters where a few authors who write similar genres or even collaborate in series could join forces. It would cut down on newsletters and could reach more. I have notice some authors are now only sending newsletters when they either have a new book out or a book is on a special. As a reader I really think less is best.
Its made me think maybe a survey post on newsletters would be useful.
I think it depends on the content. Like others, I tend to skim or delete emails from authors continually trying to sell me something but I have a lot more patience for devotional/what’s happening in an author’s life type emails. I really enjoy hearing what’s happening in authors’ lives and what books they’ve been reading or can recommend.
Daily is definitely too much for me and weekly is pushing it. I’d probably say monthly would be my preference, assuming they have something to say. Otherwise every quarter or when they have a book coming out/have something to announce 🙂
I fully agree I don’t like hard sell. One email telling me about a new book is coming out, one telling me its out and on telling me about book sales.
I do like learning about the author or even how the book came about etc. not so interested in recipes but I know some are.
I agree monthly is ok but if its only to keep doing the self promo and nothing else not so interested. One author last year was doing several a week on one book kept offering special content only if you preordered her book. I unsubbed. Thanks for stopping by
Maximum for me would be once a month – but it would depend on the content. It would need to be more than just promoting their books. I agree with others – an email announcing a new book and other when it’s released is enough.
I don’t read e-books, so I don’t really want to know when the book is on a super sale.
Thanks for commenting. I think we both feel the same. It could also be a regional thing as I know some Americans like getting regular newsletters but most here don’t. (I mean more than once a month).
I am going to do a survey in a post to let people comment. I may do a survey on the FB group just to see what people think then do a post. It will be a shareable link.