Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
How out of control is your to-read pile?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
Let’s chat!
Completely out of control. I haven’t read a lot in the past year or so but my TBR pile has continue to grow. Just this year I have culled my bookcases donating some to the church library and some to sell. Much better for someone wanting books to have them than left just sitting there. As I maintain the church library I still can read some of them.
Your turn.
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group. I may not reply to comments til Wednesday due to being away from the computer for the day.
And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2021.
Completely out-of-control, but isn’t that every reader and writer? I have 543 on my Goodreads to-read list, as well as a big stack at home. Perhaps I should make some extra shelves on Goodreads and divide them into 3 piles — (a) books I actually intend to read, (b) books I might read one day, (c) books that seemed like a good idea at the time but we both know I will never read.
Sounds like a good idea. There is also the books I added because I know the author or to support an author although that may not be a good idea. I have either bought a book either paperback or ebook especially when its either really cheap of free to support an author but some I look and and wonder why cos they are either books I know I will never read due to not my genre etc. Probably your C category covers them. You could set up some shelves and just put option A, B,C (or just A B C) and only you know what they mean.
Good idea, Jenny. I probably should also just have a Pile 4 which I delete altogether.
Ha ha, Nola. I’ve just started using Good Reads regularly, and have clicked on a few that sound like … good reads. But I keep buying ebooks from people that I need to support, or who my good writer colleagues suggest I support, and though my pile is not yet out of control, my buying rate is somewhat faster than my reading rate. And I need to write, and promote my own books, and help with Omega development.
Oh, and there’s the washing and shopping to do. 🙂
Can handle the washing as it basically does itself. (dishes on the other hand are a nightmare)
Welcome to the Goodreads universe, Meredith. It can be addictive. Great place to keep track of what you’re reading. As well as reading other authors’ books, you can also support them by liking and commenting on reviews, clicking that you want to read their book (assuming you do), asking a question on the author page etc, as that keeps things moving through the newsfeed. And I too have a pile of books I’ve bought from people I wanted to support, but haven’t quite gotten to reading yet. Oh for a thousand years to read.
It depends on whether you’re talking fiction or non-fiction.
Non-fiction is pretty crazy, but I have a system.
The fiction pile is not very big. I had it down to 2 books, then I bought some more.
All up, I have less than 40 books across the 2 piles.
You are doing well.
I don’t have a TBR pile, but a TBR bookshelf, by which I mean shelves, which is really a small room. Most of them are inherited and kind of classics. Should reads, not necessarily Goodreads.
Recently I piled up the books I’ve borrowed from other people and I’m working through them. I’m not allowing myself to read anything else – not even the fabulous books I know I’ll love. Guilt wins.
Though I’m going to have to start skimming soon.
Mine is bookshelves too I have some in 3 bookcases and in my kindle. Nice to have you visit Tam
I am trying to keep control of the books I get now. If something really grabs my interest I get it on Kindle, but try to keep just ahead of my reading now. A lot of our books are still in storage. Not sure when we will get a chance to get at them.
Sounds like a good idea.
Hi Jenny, My Kindle tells me I have 1600+ unread ebooks. I know the real number is a lot less because I usually don’t bother flicking through to the end. One day I’ll clean up my Kindle list by looking for all the 90% plus read ebooks and scroll through to the end of each ebook to get them marked off as read. 😊