Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
What do like to read about in author newsletters?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
Let’s chat!
I like to find out about new books coming out and little background on the book. A little about the author and some of their hobbies or interests. Contests to win a book or to name a character in an upcoming book. What I don’t like is the hard sell or daily newsletters. I don’t mind some family news but sometimes think authors really do need to be careful what they share especially when it comes to photos of children. Oh if you have a pet let me know about it.
We currently have a survey about author newsletters click here to have your say.
Your turn.
I look forward to reading your comments here or at the FB group.
And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2021.
Hi Jenny, I hope a couple of readers stop by and comment, because I’m interested in hearing their thoughts. 😊