Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.
Today’s question is:
What’s your view about swearing in Christian fiction?
We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.
Let’s chat!
Personally I don’t like it and don’t think it is needed. There are ways to express the person swore without actually swearing. It is different in general fiction but I personally buy Christian fiction because it’s clean. I know its hard to avoid swearing in the world but in fiction it is somewhere I can escape and know what to expect. Some will argue that its unrealistic to not have swearing as it’s part of everyday life. This maybe so for some but it doesn’t have to be.
Your turn.
I look forward to reading your comments here or at the FB group. Remember all comments go into the monthly drawer for a gift voucher.
My high school English teacher said swearing was a sign the person had a deficient vocabulary. That was even before some people used the f—ing word as an adjective for at least a quarter of the nouns in their sentences. So many movies that could have been quality entertainment are ruined by the foul-mouthed dialogue that the screen writer or director insisted on using.
It’s possible to convey the emotion of the swearing without using actual swear words. Many fans of Christian fiction will close a book and never buy that author again if they start seeing too many swear words in it. For some, “too many” = 1. My characters never “speak” the words in print, but they occasionally utter curses that would make a brothel slave blush. Image conveyed without offending language, and each reader can imagine what was said at whatever level they are comfortable.
I remember watching a movie set in the 1800’s around the time of the civil war, and they used the F word a lot and it just didn’t seem right for the period. The other was during WW2 I was in the cinema other wise would have not watched it but it was littered with foul language that wasn’t used in the period either and I found it ruined the movie.
I don’t like hearing it, so why would I want to read it in my leisure moments? That’s my opinion. So even if authors ‘allude’ to swearing too often, that gets on my nerves too. Especially, if they have their ‘Christian’ main character muttering or biting back what they call ‘choice’ words. Being ‘realistic’ in this area is overrated in my opinion as a reader, and I try to remember that when I’m in author mode. Don’t write anything you wouldn’t want to read if it was someone else’s book.
I agree. most of the time its alluded to if they are non Christian but I agree with a Christian main character swearing of stage is a bit off putting. I agree too I want to read clean books. Its also why I am now watching more of the hallmark Mysteries and movies cos they are clean with out language and PG. I read for the same reason I want to escape and enjoy a good book that is clean
Many, many years ago, I was a clown working for a Christian outreach to disadvantaged and disabled children, and also to incarcerated women. I was also a story teller (little did I know back then that I would be a published Children’s Author.) Anyway, the other clown was the CEO of the charity and on one occasion she wrote the story which ended with the words ‘…thank God.’ Now, this was said in context of thanking God, but I refused to say it that way, as those words ‘thank god’ are so often used out of context and more as an expletive (which makes me shudder!) I wanted to make it more obvious as an actual acknowledgement of God by saying ‘ thank You, God.’ The CEO refused to allow me to change it, and I refused to say it, so we ended up using another story. I’m glad I held to my belief!
I can understand that I can’t understand her not being understanding. I hate when people do say that phase when the emphases is on Thanks, God then it can be clear but many times its just a throw away phase must like the TGIF which annoys me. If its said as Thanks God, It is Friday. but thats not how they say it.
If you have LDS readers (and a lot love the Inspirational Romance) you will lose them using God’s name as in these sayings. They are very strong on their feelings and I fully support their stance.
I get so annoyed when I hear it when someone wins something and they are a Christian. Like winning a Tennis championship. Then other Christians say how wonderful it was that they acknowledged God when in fact it wasn’t said that way.
Hi Jenny, I prefer to read Christian fiction with no swearing. I expect (unless the book description says something to the contrary) that the language in Christian fiction will be clean and wholesome. I also understand that there are words used by Aussies that may not translate as ‘clean’ in other parts of the world, and I wouldn’t necessarily stop reading if I came across a few swear words.
I agree the same with some words used overseas that are fine but not so in Australia.
I am finding I am watching hallmark mysteries and when I went to watch one that is more mainstream I struggled with the language and the other things so am not watching them anymore. Clean, shows are still popular and don’t lose anything for being just that.