I originally posted this about five years ago and have updated it. I wanted to mention ways authors can bless a reader. This if the flip side of my post 2 weeks ago. I am sharing from my personal experience.
Fan letters
The first fan letter I wrote to an author was Gilbert Morris. It was after I read some of the Appomattox Saga and felt I wanted to contact him. I wanted to tell him how much I loved the series for all I learnt and thank him for the books. Then one day I was collecting the mail and there was a reply. It made my day and I was so excited. I have written to other writers via snail mail but never received a reply. Then in later years I emailed authors after reading books to say how much I enjoyed a book. It is always a thrill to get a reply. It can be unexpected but it really does make a readers day. There have been some authors I have really connected with.

When I read Cheryl Wyatt’s first book she mentioned cricket. Being a cricket fanatic this really impressed me. After emailing Cheryl to tell her how much I loved the book and the fact she mentions cricket I found out how she too became a cricket fan. From this we struck up a friendship which I really value. Cheryl also blessed me with some peeps on a few occasions. (Peeps are marshmallow and I love them).
The same has happened with other authors, Virginia Smith is another that comes to mind. One of her books had a secondary character caring for her mother. The way she portrayed her gave me hope as I was in a very similar situation, we connected because of this story. There are many other authors who I have had similar experiences with, far to many to mention. I hope they know how much they are appreciated.

The LIH Goodreads group has been wonderful to me and other readers. We feel like friends. A couple times when I was in need blessed me in an unexpected way. I am not the only one to benefit from there support either. In May 2013 about 12 authors and readers meet in Spokane WA for a couple of days for a retreat. This came about from my going to the states and wanting to meet Jillian Hart and it snowballed. While I was last to arrive it was a great time to meet fellow readers and a few authors. We had a blast and even a couple of husbands were there.
Facebook is another place where I have been blessed. While many authors have groups to promote their books, there are some that go the extra mile. I am in a few where their books are mentioned but its more about community. We hare jokes, play games, and can ask for prayer. What makes them special is the authors participate and are active. One group I am currently on the author is asking questions to help with her next book. Questions like names for an animal, which pet to have, setting etc.
I have been lucky to meet a few Australian authors. I met Paula Vince at the local bookshop when I was volunteering on Christmas Eve. To say I was a little excited is an understatement and yes I did buy a book to take home to read over Christmas.

A few years ago I met Narelle Atkins and got to show her and her husband a few places in Adelaide I love. (Adelaide oval was one). I took them to Koorong where we found one of her books. She has blessed me in many ways over the years.
For my 50th I created an album full of messages from friends and authors. I asked for contributions and one author arranged for other authors to send her cards which she sent to me. I love reading the messages and looking at the cards.
One of the simplest ways is just responding to an email.
You should also write a blog about how readers bless writers, because you sure do that!
Thanks for stopping by Eva Maria, Maybe you could write a post for me? As I am not an author.
Many authors have blessed my life, that is for sure. The connection of a reader and author is just awesome. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Melody. Meeting you and other readers along with the authors was a real treat. (We had so much in common and were able to help each other).
Meeting you was such a blessing!
Thanks Danica, I had such a great time meeting you all even if I was a brat at times 😉
I love this, Jenny. It shows a generous heart to not only receive, but to give.
Thanks Elaine. It doesn’t take much to make readers feel blessed
Hi Jenny, what a lovely post. It’s always great when authors and readers connect, and I remember that Christmas Eve visit to the bookshop well. It was great meeting you too 😀
It made my day as it was really quiet and I was doing some dusting of shelves that really needed it.
You have certainly blessed my life and David’s too! We think of you all the time and are so glad we went to Spokane and met you!
I think of you both a lot also. I still have my squirrel socks. I also love/hate the fact you understand my head pain as you suffer too. Thankfully the botox helps me also but I wish we both didn’t have to suffer.
The Spokane trip is a wonderful memory! We were blessed to meet Janet and Jill and other women of like interests. I’ll never forget when AussieJenny walked through the hotel door! I had never met an AUSTRALIAN! I saw that she was not a Martian! Isn’t it about time for you to come back? We enjoy reading about your cats, your health, and books. Thanks for coming into our lives, Jenny.
Hi Mary Ann I will never forget it either I felt so overwhelmed and then you and Kathy took me on a drive (wont say how long it took) and helped me feel more at home. I so want to come back but currently just cant afford it. But never say never. Thanks for dropping by
So very true Jenny. Everyone needs a little encouragement whether writer or reader. I’ve saved a few of my readers’ letters. And they came just when I needed them. 🙂
Hi Rita, I have decided I will do a post on how readers can bless authors when we have a gap. I will do it in a way where I get feedback from different authors as being a reader I can’t actually write the blog from my perspective.
Hi Jenny, One day we’ll return to South Australia and we’ll have to catch up! It’s hard to believe it’s five years since we met in Adelaide and found my debut book on the shelf in Koorong. Wonderful memories. 🙂
Yes hard to believe its 5 years. It was good catching up with my niece for lunch also.
I love the way readers bless authors, by writing to them to tell them how much they’ve enjoyed the book. You’ve done this on more than one occasion, Jenny Blake. It helps keep the dream of writing alive, knowing someone is reading and connecting with your work. Thank you in return.
Thanks Meredith. I am going to do a post on the way Readers can bless an author
I have been blessed by the authors I read. By the books themselves, getting to know them through FB and being apart of their street teams & read and reviews. And of course swag that I have won over the years. So thank you Rachel Dylan Robin Caroll, Ronie Kendig, Susan May Warren & a few more. ❤️
Thanks for stopping by Mara It is nice being on street teams and getting to know authors in FB groups.
I wrote to L.T. Ryan and was so excited when I received a reply back. It made my day.
Thanks for your post. Blessings, Keona xx
That would have been Exciting for you Keona. I remember the first fan letter I wrote to a tv star and the reply and I still have it. I was so excited. Now I get excited when I get an email from an author.