Where are you getting your nourishment?

A verse that has guided my life is Proverbs 3:5-6 about putting my trust in God. But this year I have been drawn to verses 7-8 which expands on theme:

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the LORD and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Proverbs 3:7-8 (NIV)

In particular, I have been drawn to the word ‘nourishment’ in this verse. For this is a promise. If we put our trust in God, he brings health and nourishment to us.

The dictionary says that nourish is ‘to provide with the materials necessary for life and growth’.

Life and growth. What a wonderful promise from God as we turn from our own understanding to his.

In Jeremiah, there is another passage that speaks of the nourishment of God.

“Blessed [with spiritual security] is the man who believes and trusts in and relies on the LORD
And whose hope and confident expectation is the LORD.
For he will be [nourished] like a tree planted by the waters,
That spreads out its roots by the river;
And will not fear the heat when it comes;
But its leaves will be green and moist.
And it will not be anxious and concerned in a year of drought
Nor stop bearing fruit.”

Jeremiah 17: 7-8 (AMP)

The image of life and growth is strong here, even in a time of drought.

A drought is exactly what this season has felt like to me.

It has been a time when life has felt so much harder. A bit like tilling dry soil and praying for rain. It has been a season where fear and anxiety have spiked, and we are just trying to survive.

Yet the promise here from God is that we will be nourished, and we need not fear. That he will provide us with those things necessary for life and growth. Even in hard times.

How does that look practically in my life after the epic trek that 2020/2021 has been?

Because let’s face it the last two years have kind of melded into one. Like most of you, I have had ups and downs over this time, I have had joy and sorrow.

But I am learning continually that life and growth is found in two attitudes found in both the passage from Proverbs and the one from Jeremiah.

The first is a posture of turning to God first when I find myself in the fire of struggle, disenchantment, and worry.

The second is a willingness to trust Him above the news or my circumstances.

And no, I don’t do this perfectly. There have been days when I have found myself drowning in news, and social media, and rumour. There have been days when my personal circumstances have totally overwhelmed me.

Yet God in his grace keeps drawing me back to these two things; turn to him and trust in him.

Where do you need nourishment today? Turn to your father, he is waiting to nourish you and he promises that you “will not be anxious or concerned in a year of drought nor stop bearing fruit”.

Peace be with you,


PS: This is my last post for Australasian Christian Writers, I have been privileged to write over the last few years, but this season has finished. I am thankful for those of you that have read and commented; and if you wish to continue to connect with me please do so on my website or social media.


  • Jodie McCarthy

    Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

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Published by Jodie McCarthy

Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

2 replies on “Where are you getting your nourishment?”

  1. I’ve been drawn to Proverbs 3:7 in the last few years as pride can often be a problem for me and looking to God has been my anchor for the last two (which felt like one) years. Thank you for the encouragement. Wish you well in whatever you do next.

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