Author Interview | Author Spotlight With Jenny Glazebrook

Today we welcome Jenny Glazebrook to the blog. Her latest book released Tuesday. Come back tomorrow for my review.

Fast Five

Kiwis or koalas?


Books or TV? Books.

I love that you can take them anywhere with you – although I’ve learned that reading in the bath is not wise. But TV wouldn’t do so well there either.

Sun or snow?

Sun – I think I’m solar-powered.

Desert or sea?

Desert  – more sun : )

Plotter or pantser?

Pantser. When I try to plot, the characters run off and do their own thing so it’s a waste of time.

Getting to Know Jenny Glazebrook

Where are you from?

Gundagai, NSW, Australia

What’s something interesting or unusual about you that not everyone knows?

I have a house and yard full of pets including a sheep, chooks, 4 cats, a dog, 2 blue tongue lizards, 3 galahs, a cockatoo and a goose who thinks he’s human because he learned to swim in the bath with my daughter Amy when he was a gosling – (the goose coped with the water way better than my book did).

What is your town or city most famous (or infamous) for?

A flood swept away the whole town of Gundagai in 1852. Over 80 people drowned, but 68 others were saved by two indigenous men in bark canoes, Yarri and Jacky Jacky. The town is no longer built on the river flat but on the side of the hill (which is what the indigenous people warned them they should do before the flood).

Do you have a pet that keeps you company when you write?

Four cats –  although they’re more of a distraction than company.

If you were not an author, what would you like to be?

A hospital chaplain. I love people, hearing their stories and being there when they need someone. I’m a qualified chaplain but I’m unable to work at the moment due to my health struggles and my family’s medical conditions.

What’s your favourite hobby (not including writing or reading)?

Caring for injured wildlife and rescuing animals.

What types of books do you like reading?

The Bible, Christian fiction, devotional books and biographies.

About Your Writing

What’s your favourite part of the writing process?

I know this sounds strange, but writer’s block. Or rather, the period following writer’s block when I’ve lifted my hands to heaven and asked God to bring the story to life. I love the way the words and ideas begin to flow again and the story becomes bigger and deeper than I could ever have made it on my own. It makes me so aware of my need for God, but also fills me with joy that He gave me this gift of creativity and provides me with all I need to use it for His glory.

How does your faith impact your writing?

I love writing stories of hope and redemption because I believe there is nothing more powerful or beautiful than the way God transforms the human heart. This is always a part of my stories and is shown in the growth and experiences of my characters.

What’s your biggest writing challenge?

The many and varied health issues I and my children have. I spend hours in hospitals and medical centres. I also have days where I can’t function due to my auto immune conditions of myasthenia gravis and type 1 diabetes.

Do you write in multiple genres or book categories?

Yes. Most of my published books are YA Christian fiction, but my latest book is Christian romance. I have also written poetry and devotions. I am currently writing a book of true pet parables for 8 – 12 year olds.

If someone was just starting out with their first novel, what advice would you give them?

If God has set a fire in your heart to write, don’t let anyone quench that flame. When discouraged, place it all back at Jesus’ feet and allow Him to fan the flame and burn the words into your heart so that you can’t help but write.


Describe Where Our Hearts Lie in one or two sentences.

A sweet story about the daughter of missionaries who needs to find where she belongs, and the son of a pastor who has given up on his dreams and is allowing his medical condition to define him. A story about redemption and finding a home for the heart.

Who is the target audience for Where Our Hearts Lie?

This novel is Christian romance for readers who enjoy a love story with spiritual depth and redemption.

What inspired you to write Where Our Hearts Lie?

The Bible verse about our hearts being deceitful and the verses where Jesus says that where our treasure is, there our heart will be also. As I thought about how these things play out in our everyday lives, the characters came to life in my mind.

What inspired you to choose the setting for Where Our Hearts Lie?

Carolyn Miller invited to be a part of the Trinity Lakes series – stories set in a small fictional town in East Washington. My original version of this story was set in Australia. It was a finalist in the CALEB unpublished awards in 2013 but it sat on my shelf for years, waiting for the right time to come back to life. When I was invited to be part of the series I knew it was time to bring the story back to life and move the characters to Trinity Lakes.

What did you research before writing Where Our Hearts Lie?

I researched the condition of Alexia – my character Josh has this condition.

I researched the wildlife in Washington (I love including animals in my stories), the plants, weather and geography.

I also researched the difference between Australian and US spelling and culture. Did you know that clotheslines are uncommon in the US, and cats are almost always kept inside? I didn’t.

Have you explored any issues in Where Our Hearts Lie that readers might find challenging or difficult to read? (identify trigger warnings regarding sensitive issues)

My main character, Hallie, escapes to Trinity Lakes after being groomed by a paedophile online. I deal with the dangers of online dating and the impact of having parents who didn’t show love.

I also have a character who is dealing with a traumatic brain injury.

Please share how Where Our Hearts Lie fits within the Trinity Lakes series?

This story is book 6 in the series. There are five amazing stories that come before mine. Each story does stand on its own, but I’d encourage you to read them all!

Will you have more books in the Trinity Lakes series coming soon?

Yes, I have written my first draft of my next book in the series due for release on 30th April next year. It is titled “In Truth and Love”. It follows the story of Brandon and Jodie who both feature in “Where our Hearts Lie”. This time I have an orphaned squirrel as part of the story (thank you for the idea, Jenny Blake!)

Please tell us about your upcoming book releases.

Where our Hearts Lie is due for release on 25th July, 2023.

In Truth and Love is due for release on 30th April, 2024.

Loving Zoe, the final book in my Bateman Family novels will be ready for release later this year.

I also plan to have Molly the Dog-Sheep and other True Pet Parables ready for release within the next 12 months.

Book Description:

Can two hurting hearts find where they belong?

Hallie Hollaway is the daughter of missionaries and a child prodigy who desperately wants to fit in. When her first meeting with an internet boyfriend goes horribly wrong, she escapes to her childhood home of Trinity Lakes. The only place she has ever felt safe and loved.

Josh Ladan is the pastor’s kid who once dreamed of following in his father’s footsteps. Until one tragic summer in Australia changed everything. Now Hallie, his clever childhood friend, is back in Trinity Lakes. Josh is closely guarding a secret that he fears will disappoint Hallie, but he is determined to prove himself to her.

Hallie is drawn to Josh, but holds herself back, believing she is unworthy of love. Can Hallie and Josh allow God to work in their hearts and lives to restore trust and hope for a future together?


Jenny Glazebrook lives in a small country town in Australia. She and her husband Rob have four children and many rescue animals who fill their lives with joy.

Jenny writes stories which capture what it means to know Jesus and live for him in a broken world. She is the author of the Aussie Sky Series and the Bateman Family Novels.

She has a Diploma of Theology, is a qualified chaplain and experienced inspirational speaker. She loves to encourage others to understand God’s love, see His hand in their lives, and walk with Him each day.

Facebook page: Jenny Glazebrook Author


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

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