Biblical (era) fiction – a PR problem?

I said to a friend, “I’m going to write some Biblical fiction.”She looked at me. “If you do that, I won’t read them.”I was dumbfounded. This was a close friend who had been tremendously supportive of my contemporary Christian novels.“I don’t want to read anything that leads me away from the Bible,” she added.Therein lies …

Practicalities of writing different genres

I’ve heard it said numerous times, “Don’t switch genres. Every time you do it is like starting all over again.” Yet authors still switch genres, myself included. My experience of writing in different genres (non-fiction and contemporary) I started by writing non-fiction and never dreamed that I would write novels. All of my non-fiction was …

Direct sales – how to get started

What are direct sales? First of all, let me be clear that we are talking about an online store. It usually sells ebooks first but may include audio books, subscriptions, courses, and link with print-on-demand stores to sell print books. If you have decided to be exclusive to Amazon through their Kindle Unlimited exclusivity programme, …

Advantages and Disadvantages of Self-Publishing

My first two non-fiction books were published by traditional publishers: one a smaller Scottish press, and another, a mid-range US publisher. Since those first two books, I’ve self-published eight novels across two series, and two more non-fiction.   Why did I switch to self-published?  The initial reason was that it was becoming harder and harder to …

Running your own giveaways – the why and how

The Problem We’ve written a book and for most of us, that is a major, major accomplishment. It might have taken between one and ten years of work and represents much blood, sweat, and angst. But then the book sits there and the world goes on. How does an author get reviews, sales, and opportunities …

2022 survey of our published authors

Every year various survey results are published about ‘authors’.  Prompted by this one, I thought it would be great to start surveying our own Australasian Christian authors (Australia/New Zealand and the Pacific). I came up with the list of questions and then in consultation with other authors, we tweaked them to make them more useful. …

Self-publishing 101

In the last few months, several people have asked me about self-publishing. Each time my mind goes “Eek!” because I’ve spent more than five years learning how to self-publish. It’s not something that can be taught in five minutes. However, the requests have prompted me to begin what is likely to be a continually expanding …

Help! Where should I spend my time at my stage in the writing journey?

Writing and publishing books is a huge learning curve. It’s not helped by the multitude of voices telling us what we need to do: from writing more books, to advertising, to building your newsletter subscribers, to … many more things. Sometimes we want to curl up in a ball and forget the whole thing. The …