Tuesday Book Chat | Who is your favourite Christian women’s fiction author?

It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Who is your favourite Christian women’s fiction author? And what do you like most about his/her books? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in …

Book Review | The Camera Never Lies by David Rawlings

Australian author David Rawlings has just won a 2019 Christy Award for his debut novel, The Baggage Handler. Congratulations, David! But how does his second novel, The Camera Never Lies, fare in comparison? Personally, I think it’s even better. Now, not everyone will agree with me. One of the strengths of The Baggage Handler was …

Tuesday Book Chat | What new-to-you authors have you read in the last year?

It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: What new-to-you authors have you read and loved in the last year? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment …

Fiction Friday | Carry Me Away by Dorothy Adamek

Miss Ada Carmichael and her family are immigrating to Australia on the Black Swallow. Tom Darley is a member of the crew. They are about to become the only two survivors of a tragic shipwreck, and turns them into national darlings. But Ada doesn’t want to be a national darling. She wants to escape, hide, …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do you prefer historical or contemporary settings?

It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you prefer historical or contemporary settings? Why? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or …

Exploring Genre | Writing Devotionals

From the time I was little, I dreamed of becoming a writer. It didn’t happen … at first. But as I reached the ripe old age of 50 … I finally made it. And I haven’t looked back! The interesting truth though is that I never planned to write what I do now—for some reason, …

Fiction Friday | Synapse by Steven James

Synapse is a difficult novel to review. Parts were excellent. Parts were not excellent. And parts were downright weird. Let’s start with what I thought was excellent. Synapse is set in the future—2037. Humanoid robots are commonplace, as are the Purists, terrorists who seek to destroy the Artificials before Artificials destroy humanity (a valid concern …

Omega Writer’s Conference | Tips for Packing for a Writing Conference

One sleep until conference! That means … today is packing day. I’ve done a lot of travelling over the years, both alone (for writer’s conferences or business) or with my family. Here are my top tips for packing for a writing conference: 1. Plan Ahead You don’t want to get to the airport and discover …

Tuesday Book Chat | What would you like to see less of in Christian fiction?

It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: What themes, topics or genres would you like to see less of in Christian fiction? Why? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the …

Introducing Sunrise Publishing (and a Call for Submissions)

Sunrise Publishing is the latest initiative from bestselling and award-winning author Susan May Warren, partnering  with Lindsay Harrel. The two authors conducted a Facebook Live presentation on 30 September (well, 1 October New Zealand time) sharing the story behind the new collaboration, and announcing their submissions process. Sunrise are currently open to submissions from US …