Omega Writer’s Conference | Tips for Packing for a Writing Conference

One sleep until conference! That means … today is packing day. I’ve done a lot of travelling over the years, both alone (for writer’s conferences or business) or with my family. Here are my top tips for packing for a writing conference: 1. Plan Ahead You don’t want to get to the airport and discover …

Exploring Genre | Writing Memoir with Cecily Patterson

Memoir is one of my favourite genres to read, and I’m in good company, it seems. I did a quick google search for ‘best selling Australian books 2019’ as I wrote this article, and unsurprisingly, the first three books I saw were memoirs. The right memoir can do exceptionally well. Elizabeth Gilbert sold over four …

Author Interview | Marie-Rose Fox and Hidden Thorns

Today we have a guest interview with Marie-Rose Fox, author of Hidden Thorns, a memoir which is a finalist in the 2019 CALEB Awards, and which is about forgiving her only child’s murderer. Welcome, Marie-Rose! Fast Five Long black or flat white? Long or short black. However, I much prefer espresso. Kiwis or koalas? Koalas, …