Fiction Friday Book Recommendation – In a Far-Off Land by Stephanie Landsem

Today for Fiction Friday I’m sharing my book recommendation for In a Far-Off Land by Stephanie Landsem, a historical fiction novel set in 1930’s Hollywood. Book Description: It’s 1931 in Hollywood, and Minerva Sinclaire is on the run for a murder she didn’t commit. As the Great Depression hits the Midwest, Minerva Sinclaire runs away …

Fiction Friday – Exploring Prince Edward Island in Beyond the Tides by Liz Johnson

It’s interesting how we yearn for things and experiences that are unobtainable. International border closures in recent years made arm chair traveling via reading fiction books a wonderful and affordable alternative. Who can resist delightful escapes to distant lands and far away places? Prince Edward Island in Canada has been on my travel wish list …

Fiction Friday | Introducing Seaside Proposal and Sapphire Bay

I enjoy writing contemporary Christian romance books set in small towns. The first two books in my Sydney Sweethearts series are primarily set in the city of Sydney, Australia. The third and final book in the series, Seaside Proposal, opens in a fictional small town on the south coast of NSW, Australia. I love creating …

Redeeming the Bad Boy Hero in Christian Romance + #Giveaway

The bad boy hero is a popular and polarising trope in the romance genre. I’ve learned that Christian romance readers tend to either love or hate the bad boy heroes. Why is the bad boy hero appealing to many romance readers? I confess to having a soft spot for the bad boys in Christian romantic …

Fiction Friday – A Girl’s Guide to the Outback by Jessica Kate

Today I’m sharing my book recommendation for A Girl’s Guide to the Outback by Aussie author Jessica Kate. This is my favourite Jessica Kate book, and I enjoyed rereading this LOL fun romantic comedy set in Queensland on a dairy farm.   Book Description: How far will a girl go to win back a guy she …

Friday Fiction – Book Recommendation: Husband Auditions by Angela Ruth Strong

Book Description: How far would you go to find the perfect husband? All the way back to the 1950s? In a world full of happily-ever-after love, Meri Newberg feels like the last young woman on the planet to be single, at least in her Christian friend group. So when she’s handed a strange present at …

Fiction Friday | A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M. White

Today for Fiction Friday I’m sharing my book recommendation for A Stray Drop of Blood by Roseanna M. White. A Stray Drop of Blood is Roseanna M. White’s debut book and one of the first fiction books I reviewed when I started blogging in 2010. A Biblical fiction gospel story, it’s fitting to share my …

Christian Fiction and Real Life Issues

I occasionally read Christian fiction stories that tackle deep and challenging real life issues. Story can be an effective way to teach us how to empathise with people who are in difficult and messy situations. Through the character’s point-of-view we can gain valuable insights into how they think, feel and respond in specific circumstances. We …

Fiction Friday – In Search Of A Prince by Toni Shiloh

Narelle here. Today for Fiction Friday I’m sharing my book recommendation for Toni Shiloh’s upcoming contemporary Christian romance release, In Search Of A Prince, set in the USA and a fictional West African Island. Royalty romances and princess stories are fun reads that are typically set in fictional European countries. I love reading fiction that …

Fiction Friday – Upon a Midnight Snow by Tari Faris

Narelle here. Today for Fiction Friday I’m sharing my book recommendation for Tari Faris’ new Christmas novella, Upon a Midnight Snow, from her Restoring Heritage series set in Michigan, USA. The Restoring Heritage series is one the best contemporary Christian romance series I’ve read this year. I enjoyed reading Upon A Midnight Snow, that chronologically follows on …