Author Interview | Introducing Claire Spencer-Christensen

Today we’d like to welcome Australian author Claire Spencer-Christensen to the blog. Claire has recently released her first novel, More Than Sparrows, the first book in the ‘White unto Harvest’ series. We’ll start with our Fast Five: five quick questions so we can get to know Claire better! Kiwis or koalas? Koalas; Kiwis are cute too …

Recommended Resources from the 2021 Omega Writer’s Retreat

Omega Writers held a successful online writing retreat in October, with inspiring sessions from Edie Melson and Nicole Partridge, and informative panel discussions on publishing and marketing. Today I’m sharing some of the resources discussed during the retreat, particularly during the marketing panel (which, unfortunately, did not record). Recommended Resources Podcasts Here are some excellent …

Writers Life | 28 Content Ideas To Mix Up Your Author Newsletter

Please welcome guest blogger Jen Richards to our blog today to talk about Author Newsletter. Author newsletters are an important way to connect directly with readers. Unlike social media where (increasingly) you have to pay to make sure your audience sees your content, newsletters are a reliable way to supply information about book launches, promotions …

Guest Post | Matthew Karchner and Straight 2 Queensland

Raised in a Christian home, I followed my deceitful heart into a gay lifestyle. Glamorous and fun initially, I later realized it was a fantasy world void of peace. Cowering in fear of reality, I became addicted to a laundry list of vices. Friends committed suicide and overdosed. The Lord reminded me of scripture I …

Guest Post | EJ Harper on the Inspiration Behind Lazarus Remembered

Lazarus Remembered: The Creation of an Immersive Audiobook A contemporary family drama that explores challenges within non-traditional family structures, Lazarus Remembered, is a twelve-hour immersive audiobook. Set mainly in Australia, it’s a tale of love and loss, forgiveness and redemption, and includes a soundtrack of thirteen original songs and production values similar to a radio …

The CALEB Awards | Christian Authors Lifting Each other’s Books

Today’s post is from Meredith Resce, Author and Publisher, and member of the Omega Writers Management Committee. Back in 2010, I entered the CALEB awards for the first time. I even flew to Queensland for the gala dinner that, at that time, was a completely separate event to the Omega Conference. I was a finalist in …

Announcing the Winners of the 2020 Stories of Life Award

The Swimmer and other stories of life The book launch of The Swimmer and other stories of life had been set for Wednesday 18 November, 6:30pm. On Monday, 16 November, a few cases of community transmission were reported, the first in months. On Tuesday, Tabor, our event host, called off gatherings. In response, we reconfigured …

Who You are When You’re Not Writing?

Please welcome Jessica Wakefield to our blog today. I love writing. I love how my characters never leave me alone (mostly I love it); I love thinking about writing, I’m learning to love editing (it’s going to be a long journey) and I love writing a book. I love seeing how the characters grow and …

Introducing Penny Reeve | President of Omega Writers

Hello! My name is Penny and I write. At least that’s how I like to introduce myself. I write children’s books, mainly, but I also like to write for young adults. I write fiction and non-fiction, picture books and novels. I write for the Christian book market and for the general market under three pen …

Devotional | I Am Your Friend

I sit in my backyard, sipping a steaming cup of coffee. Mmmm. Delicious. My eyes fall on the flowers that adorn the large rocks before me—like a cascade of a picturesque purple lava flowing over them. A bold breeze laughs as it tugs at my hair. The twitter of birds fill the air and the …