Tuesday Book Chat | Which authors or novels do you think best illustrate a healthy Christian marriage?

What authors or novels do you think best illustrate a healthy Christian marriage?

It’s Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.

Today’s question is:

Which authors or novels do you think best illustrate a healthy Christian marriage? Why?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group. Or, if you’re feeling wordy (like me), write a blog post and link to it in the comments.

Let’s chat!


  • Iola Goulton

    Iola Goulton is the empty-nest mother of two who lives with her husband in the sunny Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, and writes contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi connection. She works part-time for a local company, wrangling spreadsheets by day and words by night.

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Published by Iola Goulton

Iola Goulton is the empty-nest mother of two who lives with her husband in the sunny Bay of Plenty, New Zealand, and writes contemporary Christian romance with a Kiwi connection. She works part-time for a local company, wrangling spreadsheets by day and words by night.

5 replies on “Tuesday Book Chat | Which authors or novels do you think best illustrate a healthy Christian marriage?”

  1. There are lots of novels that seek to be truly “Christian romances,” and many authors seek to portray that relationship. I won’t start listing, but I can think of a least a dozen.

  2. I am currently reading A Lifelong Love by Gary Thomas, and I have read sacred marriage in the the past. Both are very good and I would highly recommend them. Gary encourages a strong relationship with God as the secret to a long, holy and happy marriage.

  3. This is a hard question to answer. None pop to the top of my mind. So many novels, like my own, end with the romantic couple resolving their problems and getting married. You don’t get a long look at them in married life. My married couples sometimes return in secondary roles in other novels. They model solid marriages steeped in their mutual faith, but even when they are important secondaries, they aren’t the main focus. Roseanna White’s Shadows over England and Codebreaker series have married couples from earlier volumes (all stand-alones) play roles in later volumes, but they are also secondary characters. I hope you get some good suggestions here for the next time I’m asked that question.

  4. I think some of Lori Wick, Janette Oke and Karen Kingsbury’s books have some solid Christian marriages. Some of Susan May Warren’s books (the Christiansen family series) demonstrate a solid marriage, but more as secondary characters.

  5. Hi Iola, great question! In the romance genre, it’s the secondary characters who often provide a good role model of Christian marriage for the main characters who are falling in love and headed for the altar. Contemporary and historical fiction often explore marital issues and include characters with solid marriages. I think I must take this aspect of Christian fiction for granted because no particular story stands out in my mind. 😊

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