Book Review by Keona J Tann: “The Prophetic Voice of God” – Lana Vawser

Lana Vawser’s new book “The Prophetic Voice of God: Learning to Recognize the Language of the Holy Spirit” invites you on a wild and unique prophetic adventure with God!

More blurb from Amazon: “The New Testament makes prophecy a priority for all believers: if you are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, you are called to hear God’s prophetic voice! But if this is true, why do so many believers struggle to receive God’s voice in this way? Lana Vawser empowers you to hear God for yourself by tuning in to how He is uniquely speaking to you! Through easy-to-understand, revelatory teaching and powerful stories, Lana illustrates how God has created all believers to hear His voice in their own distinct way. The Prophetic Voice of God will mentor you on how to listen to the Holy Spirit speaking by helping you… Experience a Breaker Anointing: The simple, practical teaching will break off the fear, striving, and anxiety that many feel when it comes to hearing God speak prophetically. Demystify the Prophetic: Lana makes prophetic hearing accessible to anyone, no matter who you are or what context you come from. Discern the Prophetic Voice of God: Learn how to identify freshly spoken words from God and decipher the many different forms they can come in–signs, symbols, numbers, coincidences, pictures, and more. Receive Impartation and Revelation: You will be activated to look and listen for God’s prophetic voice everywhere. Tune in, and receive your word from the Lord!”

My Review

I found Lana’s combination of testimony with teaching provides an inspiring and instructional book on how to hear from the Holy Spirit. Her raw and honest journey provides insight and comfort to those who may have also struggled with understanding the prophetic.

Lana’s book will help you understand:

  • How to hear God’s voice
  • How to discern God’s voice
  • How to be God’s voice to others

How to hear God’s voice

With the cacophony of life invading our every moment hearing the small still voice of God is increasingly difficult. The busyness of trying to keep up with unending demands can leave us with extremely little time to sit by the still waters. But if I can share just 1 thing about my current journey it is this: when the to-do list is simply too long and the noise in your head is destroyingly loud PLEASE take time out. I pushed past the small warning signs and it has resulted in 5 years, so far, of limited ability. During the first 28 months of my illness I felt so distant from God that hearing His voice was extremely difficult. You see I had wandered along my own path. That is why Lana’s call to be Positioned to Hear rings so true.

God desperately desires a deep relationship with us and to teach us to live in a reality that is based simply and completely upon Him and His Word.

How to discern God’s voice

As you can imagine when I was sick all I felt was failure, being unable to complete the most basic tasks left me feeling utterly worthless. My mind was constantly filled with the wrong thoughts and I found that I was dragged to the depths of despair many times. That is why Lana’s advice to assess What to Hold On To are wise words that I completely agree with. All that we think, say and do should line up with God’s Word (the Bible), this is the greatest way to confirm or reject something.

Lana explains that We are all created to connect with God, and we are all created for relationship with Him. Going on to explain that for us to hear from God, and have space to receive what God wants to release, we need to have a soft and sensitive heart. To fully understand what God is saying also takes discernment and divine insight.

The enemy’s voice will bring: confusion and condemnation, lack of clarity, lack of peace and fear. But the Lord’s voice will bring: peace, empowering, strengthening, is confirmed in the Bible and always reveals His nature.

How to be God’s voice to others

This is a journey God invited me upon and it has been daunting. The first few times I spoke I shook and struggled to speak from the amount of nervousness. But when we engage with God we’re empowered to bring His message to others. God promises to put His words in our mouths and we are to tell everything that He commands us to (see Deuteronomy 18:17-18). The Bible explains that the gift of Prophecy is something that we ALL should be pursuing: “Let love be your highest goal! But you should also desire the special abilities the Spirit gives—especially the ability to prophesy.” 1 Corinthians 14:1 NLT

We’re to earnestly seek after it and be eager to prophesy (see 1 Corinthians 14:39a). For the prophetic strengthens others, encourages them, and comforts them, a Word of prophecy strengthens the entire church! (1 Corinthians 14:3-4). That’s pretty awesome.

“In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you.” Romans 12:6 NLT

Lana explains that God is looking for people who will stop and steward what God is speaking and releasing. His voice uncovers. His voice awakens truth. His voice is always bringing life and alignment.

We can ALL be God’s mouthpiece wherever we are and whatever role we find ourselves in. We can all impart encouragement and life to those around us! Let’s impart God’s agenda:

“I love that the prophetic word of God establishes, transforms, creates and manifests the unseen realm into the seen realm. The decree of our mouths aligning with the decree of heaven establishes His agenda upon the earth.” Lana Vawser

I pray that every Christian purchases a copy and that as they read will receive a fresh impartation that will raise up a mighty symphony of praise.

Grab your copy today: Amazon, Koorong or Book Depository.

Many blessings, Keona


  • Keona

    Keona has lived most of her life in Tasmania, has been married for over 25 years and is the proud mum of 2 wonderful adults. Keona desires to enrich, empower and encourage others through the words that she shares.

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Published by Keona

Keona has lived most of her life in Tasmania, has been married for over 25 years and is the proud mum of 2 wonderful adults. Keona desires to enrich, empower and encourage others through the words that she shares.

8 replies on “Book Review by Keona J Tann: “The Prophetic Voice of God” – Lana Vawser”

  1. Sounds very inspirational, a book we MUST Read for our own good. Thank you for the book blurb, I shall add it to my TBR list for sure. God Bless you.

    1. Thank you for your encouragement, I’m new at this book review writing so I’m pleased you were encouraged. Blessings xx

  2. Thanks for stopping by Alicia, Keona writes a very detailed review doesn’t she.

  3. This is a great review Keona, thanks for sharing. I’m speaking at a women’s conference in Perth in a couple of weeks on this very subject so I will have to get my hands on a copy of the book. Seems very insightful! Blessings xx

    1. I pray your talk goes well at the women’s conference and that you enjoy reading Lana’s book. I’m sure you’ll find her words SO inspiring and encouraging. Blessings xx

    1. Thank you so much for your encouragement! I found Lana’s book helped me to really reflect upon my journey and apply her teaching to my life.
      Blessings xx

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