Today we welcome children’s author M.L. Tarpley. Morgan will become a regular contributor to the blog this year. Morgan’s new book is Maylie of the Highlands and it is out now. Can you tell us something others may not know about you? I’ve had quite a few hobbies over the years. Some have stayed longer …
Category Archives: Author Interview
Fiction Friday | Getting To Know You Interview With Steph Penny
Please welcome Steph Penny to our blog today for Fiction Friday. Steph is an Australian author and her new book is Surviving Childlessness. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m a fortysomething writer currently writing a nonfiction series on Survival. I’ve just released the second book in the series, Surviving Childlessness, following …
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Fiction Friday | Readers Questions With Carol Ashby
Welcome to Fiction Friday and our readers questions with Carol Ashby If you were not an author, what would you like to be? Since I write full time, I’ve had two very fun careers. My old day job was in scientific research, and it’s a lot of fun trying to figure out how things work …
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Guest Post | EJ Harper on the Inspiration Behind Lazarus Remembered
Lazarus Remembered: The Creation of an Immersive Audiobook A contemporary family drama that explores challenges within non-traditional family structures, Lazarus Remembered, is a twelve-hour immersive audiobook. Set mainly in Australia, it’s a tale of love and loss, forgiveness and redemption, and includes a soundtrack of thirteen original songs and production values similar to a radio …
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Friday Fiction | Introducing The Pet Sitters.
Today we are introducing a new children’s series “Pet Sitters”. We will be getting to know a little more about this series and the authors. Firstly can you tell us a little about yourselves? Many of your readers may already know us. We’re Penny Reeve and Cecily Paterson. Between us we have had more …
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Friday Fiction | Getting to Know Kate Gordon
Kate Gordon has a new book out Aster’s Good, Right Things. Kate is also an Australia children’s author. Please welcome Kate Gordon, we are happy to have you here and look forward to getting to know you more. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m a mum, reader, writer and Josh Ritter …
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Fiction Friday | Introducing Sharon Manssen and The Realm Trilogy
Today I’m interviewing local Tauranga author Sharon Manssen, who writes Young Adult Fantasy as SR Manssen. Welcome, Sharon! Let’s start with a few quick questions by way of introduction. Long black or flat white? Flat white. Trim. Double shot, extra hot. Kiwis or koalas? Kiwis. (Good, says this Kiwi.) Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes (lived in Thailand …
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Author Interview | Introducing Lindsay Harrel and The Joy of Falling
Today I’m interviewing Lindsay Harrel, author of The Joy of Falling, which is partly set in New Zealand. Welcome, Lindsay! The Joy of Falling is about the story of two sisters in law, Eve and Angela, recovering from their grief after their husbands (brothers Wesley and Brent) died in a diving accident. What inspired you …
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Author Interview | Introducing Louise Crossley
Fast Five Long black or flat white? Soy milk latte if I’m feeling chatty and chai if I’m feeling reflective. Kiwis or koalas? Cute, Australiana koalas. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes are delicious but since kiwifruit got me through three bouts of morning sickness, I have to be loyal to my pregnancy panacea. Books or TV? …
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Friday Fiction | Getting to know Nicki Edwards
Fiction Friday Getting to know Nicki Edwards Welcome Nicki Edwards to our blog today. Nicki has a new book out and we are going to learn a little about her and the book. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m a wife, a mum of 4 adult kids, 2 border collies and …
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