Devotional | Door to Which Door?

Devotional by Karen Rees Scripture: Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven where moth and rust do not destroy and where thieves do not break in and steal. Matt 6:20 Our ministry in Hong Kong is with household servants imported from the Philippines. Many of the ladies spend years working there to put children through …

DEVOTIONAL: Letting go of control

How do we deal with the turbulence of life? I’ve done a lot of travel in my time. I’ve lost count of the number of planes I’ve boarded prior to covid disrupting everything.  From local domestic flights to long haul international flights, I have travelled a lot and I’ve loved it. I was more than …

Devotional | No Longer I, a devotion by Keona Tann

On the 18th of May 2022, I was getting ready for my work placement and I was really struggling, now battling to get there wasn’t a new thing because almost every day I contended to get there. My reasons varied but mainly because it was so exhausting for me, the 2 afternoons a week completely …

DEVOTIONAL: Listening to God’s voice

“Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” Psalm 46:10 Have you ever felt like someone is calling you or trying to get your attention? You slow down whatever you are doing and try to listen as hard as you can. A …

#Throwback Thursday | On Antiques, Gifts, and Talents

This post first appeared at International Christian Fiction Writers on 20 June 2017. Paeroa is a small town not far from where I live. It has two claims to fame. It’s the home of L&P, our national soft drink which is World Famous in New Zealand. (I wrote a blog post explaining the history of …

Devotional |Though The Fig Tree Does Not Bud

Though the fig tree does not bud and there are no grapes on the vines, though the olive crop fails and the fields produce no food, though there are no sheep in the pen and no cattle in the stalls, verse 18- yet will I rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God …

Devotional | Old Books, Old Hooks

What do we do when an author we loved gets ‘cancelled’? It can be difficult to know how to process these things. We quoted them, and we find that 90% of what they said was profound, while 10% was profane. Or they let us down by falling off the righteousness wagon, and we feel personally …

Devotional | Waiting for the Tanks – Lessons from the Old Testament Prophets

Devotional by Karen Rees “In this world you will have troubles. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 I was reading the Old Testament books of prophecy during the early months of Hong Kong’s demonstrations against the serious erosion of guaranteed freedoms. At first, the demonstrations were massive peaceful protest marches. We …