Devotional | Are you an Ostrich or an Emu?

On the way to our camp in the Australian bush, we travel past a field that is home to a mob of emus. These birds are almost the largest in the world, second only to the African ostrich. There are many similarities between these two flightless birds. Both are massive animals—six to nine feet tall. …

Writers Life | Standing on the Rock.

Then the LORD said, “There is a place near me where you may stand on a rock.” Exodus 33:21 (NIV) Have you ever noticed that there are many Bible references to standing or being on rocks? Lately I’ve been wondering  … why rocks? When I think of the majesty of God, I think of far …

Throwback Thursday | Who Am I Writing For?

Today for Throwback Thursday we are reposting a post from Rose Dee first published several years ago. I had no specific plan in place when I sat down to write my first novel. I didn’t seriously consider that I would become an author, nor did I have great ambitions for publication. I had decided to …

Writers Life | Looking Up.

Have you ever cast your eyes to the sky and been full of wonder at its vastness? I certainly have. I live in a sparsely populated part of a vast country—Australia—so horizons that seem to stretch forever are not foreign to me. Where I live, there are very few high-rise buildings to impede my view. …

Tuesday Book Chat | Which Author Would You Like To Invite To Dinner

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Which author would you like to invite to dinner? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared …

When Mother’s Day is not Happy

In recent years I have become acutely aware that the Mother’s Day I celebrated as a child and my early years of mothering—breakfast in bed, flowers and home-made cards with hand drawn love hearts—was not a total representation of how all mothers spend this day. Situations close to my own heart have arisen in the …

A Lesser Cause

I’ve always been involved in fundraising and charity work. My parents taught me that if you come across someone embarking upon a righteous cause, you should help them. Their influence and example means I have always looked for righteous charity projects I can contribute to. From huge fundraising events for cancer research to heading school …

Author Interview | Introducing Rose Dee

Fast Five Long black or flat white? Cappuccino girl here! Kiwis or koalas? Koalas. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes. Cricket or rugby? Southern Stars (the Australian Women’s Cricket team, and current world champs). Hobbits or Mad Max? Neither really, but if I had to go one it would probably be Max. Books or TV? Can’t choose. …