Fiction Friday | Review of The Breakup Project by Carolyn Miller

Today I am reviewing The Breakup Project by Carolyn Miller New Year. New Resolution. New Romance? What happens when the best-laid plans break a friendship? As the twin sister of hockey’s hottest forward, romance-loving Bree Karlsson is used to being ignored, leading to a New Year’s resolution to not date any athlete in her attempt …

Friday Fiction | Review of Reclaiming Hope by Carolyn Miller

Welcome to fiction Friday. Reclaiming Hope by Carolyn Miller Opposites attract—and repel. But which is more powerful? Callie Steele might be a bit…focused on work, but despite what her employers say, she enjoys her well-ordered, productive life. When she’s sent to meet the owners of an estate requiring post-hurricane landscaping, Callie meets their son, Kai Brody, …

Fiction Friday | New Year, New Resolution, New Romance?

Come on, admit it. Who else has ever made a new year’s resolution? Keep those hands up if it lasted more than a week? A month? All year? (Good on you!) New year’s resolutions can be HARD, yet plenty of people (myself included) make promises to ourselves to do (or not do!) certain things. Exercise …

Fiction Friday – Upon a Midnight Snow by Tari Faris

Narelle here. Today for Fiction Friday I’m sharing my book recommendation for Tari Faris’ new Christmas novella, Upon a Midnight Snow, from her Restoring Heritage series set in Michigan, USA. The Restoring Heritage series is one the best contemporary Christian romance series I’ve read this year. I enjoyed reading Upon A Midnight Snow, that chronologically follows on …

Fiction Friday | A New Series to Love

A new series to love It must seem slightly odd to some for an Aussie writer known for historicals to write a series about North America’s National Hockey League, for while we do have an avid love for sports here in Australia, ice hockey is not exactly top-of-the-charts. Yes, we do have a (very small!) …

Fiction Friday | Getting to Know Camy Tang

Welcome Camy Tang to Fiction Friday. Today we are getting to know Camy Tang. Camy and 11 other authors have a box set, Save the Date, releasing this week. Can you tell us something others may not know about you? Lately, I’ve been reading a lot of Japanese light novels (translated into English), and I’ve …

Fiction Friday | Book Review | Straight Up by Lisa Samson

Straight Up was first published in 2006, which makes it a lot older than the novels we usually review here at Australasian Christian Writers. I’ve chosen to review this because I think this is a great book for writers to read, because of the  quality of the writing. There’s a lot to learn here. But …

Fiction Friday | Getting To Know You Interview With Steph Penny

Please welcome Steph Penny to our blog today for Fiction Friday. Steph is an Australian author and her new book is Surviving Childlessness. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I’m a fortysomething writer currently writing a nonfiction series on Survival. I’ve just released the second book in the series, Surviving Childlessness, following …

Fiction Friday | Readers Questions With Carol Ashby

Welcome to Fiction Friday and our readers questions with Carol Ashby If you were not an author, what would you like to be? Since I write full time, I’ve had two very fun careers. My old day job was in scientific research, and it’s a lot of fun trying to figure out how things work …

Fiction Friday | Book Review | Remind Me Why I’m Here by Kat Colmer

Remind Me Why I’m Here is a fun Australian Young Adult fish out of water story. Maya Sorenson of Chicago, Illinois, thinks she’s headed to Barangaroo in Sydney, Australia, famous for its harbourside views. Instead, she’s headed to a sheep farm in Barangaroo Creek, hours away from the Sydney beaches and cafes. To make things …