Devotional – Entitled or Entrusted

‘Entitlement is perhaps the top word associated with the Millennial generation. In fact, seventy-one percent of American adults think of Millennials as “selfish,” and sixty-five percent think Millennials are “entitled.” Whether or not you believe the “entitlement” label is accurate, perception is reality.’ ~ Ryan Jenkins, Millennial and Generation Z speaker and generations expert.

God is the owner of everything. We have been entrusted with all things right down to the talents we’ve been endowed with. They are not entitlements no matter how much we’d like to believe they are.

Ever since that first day when Adam and Eve walked throughout the Garden of Eden in the crisp of dawn, they were entrusted with everything God provided.

Do we truly believe that the feeling of entitlement belongs solely to the younger generation? Whether we do or do not, I aim to prove that it isn’t a generational issue but a human one, and human beings have been around for a long time.

In his article Why Millennials Are So Entitled Ryan Jenkins puts forward the idea that rather than being entitled, the behaviours of Millennials ‘might make them the next generation of empowered and engaged workers.’

I suppose from a secular point of view that’s acceptable, however, who empowers us to achieve anything … and why?

Shouldn’t we be giving credit to God here?

When it all boils down, when we consider what He has done for us, no one has the right to feel entitled let alone be entitled. We do not empower ourselves; God does that.

Whether we have been endowed with physical wealth or personal wealth (particular talents and emotions).  We must realise that we have never been entitled, but we have always been entrusted with God’s gifts to do His will.


Whether it’s writing a blog post with a message, writing a complete book. Tending to His creations in the garden, painting a beautiful scene. Or creating a wholesome meal with the provisions He has given us, we all have been entrusted with His gifts.

What an honour and a privilege that is.

‘For when you have become full and prosperous and have built fine homes to live in, and when your flocks and herds have become very large and your silver and gold have multiplied along with everything else, be careful!  Do not become proud at that time and forget the Lord your God, who rescued you from slavery in the land of Egypt.  Do not forget that he led you through the great and terrifying wilderness with its poisonous snakes and scorpions, where it was so hot and dry. He gave you water from the rock!  He fed you with manna in the wilderness, a food unknown to your ancestors. He did this to humble you and test you for your own good.  He did all this so you would never say to yourself, ‘I have achieved this wealth with my own strength and energy.’   ~ Deuteronomy 8:12-17 New Living Translation (NLT)

Sadly, we are a society of entitled people. Eve felt entitled when she took a bite from that forbidden apple and offered the same to Adam. I’m ashamed to say that I’ve felt entitled on several occasions … way too many times.

If we accept those gifts which are entrusted to us for the honour and glory of our heavenly Father, our lives will run so much more smoothly.

What do you think? Could we all walk with a little more humility? Are we giving God the credit He truly deserves?


  • Josephine-Anne Griffiths

    Josephine-Anne Griffiths has always had a passion for the written word, both reading and writing it. Josephine is currently rewriting a fictional memoir ‘Charlie Dreams’. Josephine has also tried her hand at short story writing and poetry, with a poem published in Glimpses of Light Anthology. She also writes inspirational, narrative non-fiction with a fierce passion. Josephine-Anne, fondly known as Jo’Anne, is happily married to Leon. They live at the base of Sydney’s beautiful Blue Mountains. Between them, Jo’Anne and Leon have six wonderful children, six gorgeous grandchildren, and a sooky ‘jug’ dog called Toby. You will find Jo’Anne either lost within a book, behind her keyboard, or in her garden day-dreaming.

Published by Josephine-Anne Griffiths

Josephine-Anne Griffiths has always had a passion for the written word, both reading and writing it. Josephine is currently rewriting a fictional memoir ‘Charlie Dreams’. Josephine has also tried her hand at short story writing and poetry, with a poem published in Glimpses of Light Anthology. She also writes inspirational, narrative non-fiction with a fierce passion. Josephine-Anne, fondly known as Jo’Anne, is happily married to Leon. They live at the base of Sydney’s beautiful Blue Mountains. Between them, Jo’Anne and Leon have six wonderful children, six gorgeous grandchildren, and a sooky ‘jug’ dog called Toby. You will find Jo’Anne either lost within a book, behind her keyboard, or in her garden day-dreaming.

4 replies on “Devotional – Entitled or Entrusted”

  1. You’re right – entitlement is a generational issue. We might say the younger generation is more entitled than us, but that’s probably the plank in our own eye (at least, that’s the impression I get from my teenagers).

  2. Thanks for sharing this! We can easily feel entitled in so many different ways, but looking at it from the perspective of God entrusting us with something helps keep our heart right. 🙂

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