Devotional | On Trust, Rest and Uncertainty

This devotion was originally written for my newsletter subscribers. But I felt God called me to share it on this blog, in our current times, with a good part of the country in lockdown. I hope it speaks to you whatever your circumstances,

The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.

Exodus 14:14

I have been pondering these words lately. Words spoken by Moses to the Israelites while they were in the midst of fleeing the Egyptians.

It’s important to note that these words are spoken prior to the amazing miracle of the parting of the Red Sea. These words are spoken to the Israelites when they are literally between a rock and a hard place. Or rather, between the pursuing Egyptian army, and the seemingly insurmountable expanse of the sea.

Even as I read them again today, I find myself in the shoes of the Israelites, looking at Moses in disbelief and anger. I can feel their emotion, their understanding that there is certain death awaiting them, there is no escape.

In this context Moses’ statement seems trite and uncaring. And the admonishment to be still seems like downright lunacy. Surely the Israelites should arm themselves at the very least, put up some resistance.

Often in times of uncertainty we need action. That is why there is a toilet roll shortage across the country every time there is a lock down. We want to feel like we have some control over our circumstances. That we can do something, anything in a time of unexpected change.

But often God asks us instead to trust, rest, and allow him to work on our behalf. Maybe, that is what he wants you to do in this time of pause? Maybe, in this time of plans being shifted and changed, he is asking you to be still, and to rest in him.

And if you are anything like me, that is oh so hard to do. For action feels more positive. Rescheduling, reorganising, and recalibrating feels like a step forward.

Pausing, trusting, and resting feels like surrender. And it is!

But it is not surrender to our circumstances. Rather it is surrender to the one who holds our circumstances.

Maybe today you need to trust and let your loving father fight on your behalf.
Maybe today being still is all you need to do.
Maybe today you need to surrender.

And then like the Israelites, when it is time to move, you will walk through the parted sea on dry land with the water to your left and your right.

Peace be with you,


  • Jodie McCarthy

    Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

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Published by Jodie McCarthy

Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

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