Devotional | You can’t rush balance

I extend my arms and move slowly through my exercise routine. As I come up on to my toes my instructor says, “You can’t rush balance.” I exhale and lower arms and legs slowly for the next rotation, holding the words tight in my mind for they speak not just to my body, but to my soul.

I have recently taken a six-week sabbatical from my writing. Six weeks of not thinking about my next project, or blog posts. Six weeks of not updating my social media or sending newsletters. In fact, six weeks of not thinking about writing at all.

For the first few weeks I was restless, not to write, but for the sabbatical to teach me what I needed to learn. I knew I needed a break, but I wanted that break to be useful. I wanted clarity and I wanted it now.

What I found instead is the wisdom my instructor shared, “You can’t rush balance”. Also, you can’t rush a sabbatical.

There was a letting go that need to happen. I needed to let go of serving my audience so I could serve my family. And even harder, I needed to let go of my desire to be doing something (writing) for God, and just be with him.

It took me the full six weeks before I even had an idea that sparked a desire to write in me. I began to wonder if I would even return to the blank page. But that time away has re-grounded me in my absolute knowledge that God loves me even if I never write again. And the paradoxical statement that he has absolutely called me to write.

One of my favourite verses is found in Psalm 23.

He makes me lie down in green pastures,
he leads me beside quiet waters,
he refreshes my soul.
He guides me along the right paths
for his name’s sake.

Psalm 23:2-3 (NIV)

The imagery here of God leading me beside a refreshing stream and guiding me is so beautiful. But I often gloss over the how these verses begin: “He makes me”.

It is clear, I am not great at taking a rest on my own. Like a child I often need my father to say, “Time to stop now.” And sometimes even louder, “Just stop, Jodie!” But I find when I heed his call to stop, the rest he offers is beautiful and refreshing. He restores my soul.

And in that place of restoration, I am able once again to hear his clear direction, to hear which path he needs me to travel. For as the Message version of this passage says:

True to your word,
you let me catch my breath
and send me in the right direction.

Psalm 23:3 (MSG)

Have you ever taken a sabbatical from your writing? I’d love to know what you learned from the experience.



  • Jodie McCarthy

    Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

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Published by Jodie McCarthy

Jodie is a contemplative writer who writes to encourage those in the hard places of grief and loss, and the more mundane places of the everyday. Married for over twenty years with two daughters, Jodie’s life is full, yet she still finds time to procrastibake. Jodie loves to connect with her readers, and you can find her at the links below.

4 replies on “Devotional | You can’t rush balance”

  1. Thank you, Jodie, for sharing these reflections about your sabbatical from writing. That idea sounds very appealing to me right now, after a busy few months of writing and speaking and promoting my latest novel, although it would be a huge challenge not to write for six weeks! Apart from anything else, I’ve been writing a weekly blog for years–I’m up to No 654–so it’s such an ingrained part of my life now. But that refreshment and balance in our lives gained by just being with God and hearing what God wants us to do is essential, so I’m listening! Thank you again.

  2. Such a beautiful picture of our Father God looking after us. ‘Stop. Just stop.’

    Be still and know … applies to our everyday life and in our writing. So glad you took your sabbatical and that you hear His direction. Xx❤️

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