Our healing can be found by reaching out to Jesus.
I have always loved the story of woman with the issue of blood. A woman who had an issue of blood for 12 years, desperately seeking healing. Reading this story, I can almost feel the despair and desperation of this woman; years of going to doctors to try and find a solution, only to be told there was nothing that could be done. Her condition getting worse over time. To make it worse, back in those days, under the Mosaic law, she was not to be around people or to touch anyone as she was considered unclean.
12 years of being unwell and isolated .
You could only imagine the loneliness and frustration this woman experienced. The despair of not finding any healing or relief. The ache that comes with loneliness. But then, Jesus. Jesus comes onto the scene and stories start to abound of this Jesus that is healing many. And through these stories, she starts to feel hope that maybe she can be one of the healed. So, convinced of His power to heal, and desperate for healing, she not only breaks the law to join the crowds following Him, but she also touches him.
And in that moment, two things happened: firstly, she broke the mosaic law. Not only was she an unclean woman out in public, but she also touched a man. Her desperation for healing, and her belief in His power (Mark 5:28), drives her to risk the full wrath of the Mosaic law; it overrides her fear of being caught and propels her to touch his garment. But secondly, she was healed.
She didn’t even touch Him, just his garment, but that was enough; His healing power came through and she was healed.
The power of reaching out to Jesus.
That’s the power of Jesus. What is impossible for the world, is possible for Him. When the world says there is no hope, Jesus shows us that there is hope and it’s found in Him. When the medical profession says there is nothing that can be done, Jesus heals with one touch. Jesus brings peace and healing and life in abundance. The One that healed a woman who was in misery for 12 years is still bringing healing today. He is bringing healing on so many levels. But He is still bringing healing.
Our healing is found by reaching out to Jesus. We need just believe. And ask. We may not always see healing this side of eternity, or have our prayers answered, but we know that Jesus can heal. We know that hope is in Him alone. I don’t know what you may be facing today, but this I know: Jesus sees you and wants to walk with you as you walk through your season. And He wants you to reach out to Him and touch Him, because it is only through Him that we find peace and hope and life everlasting.