The Ripple Effect: Shaping the River into Words.

“My heart bursts its banks, spilling beauty and goodness. I pour it out in a poem to the king, shaping the river into words.” Psalm 45:1 (MSG)

Words, words, words they are everywhere and as writers’ words shape what we want to communicate to other people, like a river bending and flowing words come from our souls, spilling beauty and goodness out that’s from the Spirit living within us.

Have you ever thrown a pebble into a pond? The ripple effect of the pebble creates an energy that makes the still water move. The voice Bible translation says of Psalm 45:1, “…my tongue is the pen of a poet, ready and willing.” That’s the secret to becoming a ripple effect communicator, to be ready and willing. There’s an energy flowing like a stream, shaping the river into words, words that have the power to change people’s lives.

But it’s not our power that shapes the river, it’s God’s. All He wants from us is to be ready and willing because that’s the secret to where the energy comes from. He asks us to use the gift He has given to us – and to use it well. Words create a ripple effect whether they are positive or negative. So many lost souls out in the world need you, my friend, to spill out beauty and goodness all over your writing so that a positive message shapes the river of someone else’s life.

The Passion Translation Bible of Psalm 45:1 puts it like this, “…like a river bursting its banks, I’m overflowing with words, spilling out into this sacred story.” So, don’t think that the words you are writing, those beautiful, good words that spill out onto the blank page in front of you won’t have any effect on anyone. That’s a lie from your enemy who only comes to “steal, kill and destroy” your words. (John 10:10). He doesn’t want your words to shape a river and create a ripple effect, he just wants your words to sink into the abyss of a smelly, stagnant pond.

 Let your heart burst its banks and spill out God’s beauty and goodness over other people. Tell God that you are ready and willing to throw your small, insignificant pebble into the waters of the river he created to create a ripple effect that will get larger and larger, and go on and on and on, flowing right into eternity.

Wendy xo



  • Wendy Parker

    Wendy is passionate about helping people discover their true identity in Christ so they can live out a better story. Her blog, and her podcast, The Spacious Room will equip and empower you to grow deeper in your faith. Wendy is a member of the Australasian Christian Writers, Omega Writers, Daughters Of Love And Light, and Christian Writers Downunder. She lives in Wollongong NSW, along with her husband, two grown children and one spoilt chocolate Labrador named, Rose.

Published by Wendy Parker

Wendy is passionate about helping people discover their true identity in Christ so they can live out a better story. Her blog, and her podcast, The Spacious Room will equip and empower you to grow deeper in your faith. Wendy is a member of the Australasian Christian Writers, Omega Writers, Daughters Of Love And Light, and Christian Writers Downunder. She lives in Wollongong NSW, along with her husband, two grown children and one spoilt chocolate Labrador named, Rose.

6 replies on “The Ripple Effect: Shaping the River into Words.”

  1. These are beautiful thoughts. I have often enjoyed throwing a small pebble into a river or lake and watching the ripples that flow out from the centre of impact.

    1. Hi Heather,
      Yes, it can be mesmerising! From impact to the ripple going outwards from the small pebble creates an awful lot of energy. Momentum is key in our writing endeavours. Keep writing!

  2. I love this line: Let your heart burst its banks and spill out God’s beauty and goodness over other people. Okay, I will!

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