DEVOTIONS: Who told you that?

Who told you that you were naked?

One of the questions that God asks Adam and Eve in the garden is who told them they were naked. He didn’t ask them why they were naked, he asked them who told them they were naked. As I read this question, I find it goes beyond just asking about their nakedness; He’s asking them who they are listening to.

God is asking who is speaking into their life?

It was an important question them, and it’s an important question for us now.

Who told you that?

Do you ever stop and think about your fears and insecurities and where they came from? Where did the belief that you aren’t loveable come from?

Who told you that you are unworthy?

Why did you start to believe that you are incapable of doing great things – who told you that?

Where did the belief that… Insert whatever fear or insecurity you have and ask where it came from.

I think if we were to sit with Jesus and share our insecurities and beliefs of ourselves, one of the questions He would ask us is, “who told you that?”

It’s easy to get caught up in a world and social belief system that tell us that success looks like xyz. Or that beauty is a certain size. But that isn’t the right voice to listen to.

The voice we should be listening to is that of the One that breathed us into life.

The one that knit us together in our mothers womb (Psalm 139:13).

The voice that tells us that we are fearfully and wonderful made (Psalm 139:14).

The One that tells us that He is with us and for us (Romans 8:31).

He told me that.

As we start to listen to God above everyone and everything else, we start to find our identity; we find our value and worth. We find our confidence and our calling. And as we start find our value and worth in Christ, we develop a confidence and boldness that stands in the face of societies standards and says no. We start to develop a confidence in our purpose so that when the world asks us who told us we think we can do great things, we can confidently say, “He told me. Jesus. The One that made me for His glory and for communion with Him. And the One that loved me enough that He died for me.”

When God’s voice is the only voice we tune into and focus on, the standards the world tells us to live by start to fade away. The lies of the enemy start to fade out. Our belief in ourselves changes because His voice helps us to know who we are and whose we are. We are children of God. That is who we are. That’s our identity. And as children of God, the voice of our Father is the only one that matters.

Today, can I encourage you to stop and seek His voice. Tune your ears and your heart to the Holy Spirit and allow God to tell you who and how loved you are.


  • Leila Armstrong

    Leila Armstrong is an Australia based blogger who believes that true joy is found in encountering Christ. Passionate about pointing people to Jesus, Leila shares her faith journey on her blog, Reflections By Leila. Leila and her husband run their own agency, Enriched HR, supporting churches and faith-based not-for-profits, and serving their local community and church. When she isn't writing or working, she can be found with her family or sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and reading a book.

Published by Leila Armstrong

Leila Armstrong is an Australia based blogger who believes that true joy is found in encountering Christ. Passionate about pointing people to Jesus, Leila shares her faith journey on her blog, Reflections By Leila. Leila and her husband run their own agency, Enriched HR, supporting churches and faith-based not-for-profits, and serving their local community and church. When she isn't writing or working, she can be found with her family or sitting in a cafe drinking coffee and reading a book.

11 replies on “DEVOTIONS: Who told you that?”

  1. Love it, Lays 😊
    Yes indeed, we do listen to all the wrong voices, especially the ones that try to box us in. As John 10:10 states, the enemy comes only to steal, kill and destroy but Jesus came so we would have life. Not only life but an abundant, overflowing, set apart, groundbreaking, earth shaking life!

  2. I love this. For much of my life I have been damaged by the critical and accusing words I listened to, but learning to listen to what Jesus says about me has changed everything. We can’t change what people say, but we have control over who we listen to. Thank you, Lays.

  3. Beautiful reminder, Lays. Our worth and identity are wrapped up in Christ—yes, they are shaped by our life and experiences, but only Christ gives us worth that transcends all circumstances. May we find our worth simply in being God’s children!

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