Today for Fiction Friday we are getting to know Christine Dillon.
Christine Dillon is our guest on the blog today. Thanks Christine for taking the time to tell us a little more about you and your new book.
1. Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m Australian (but also with Kiwi blood and apparently a birthright to be a citizen) but I lived in Asia until I was 17. My parents were missionaries and I was privileged to do schooling in Malaysia and the Philippines. I spent 12 years in Australia studying and working as a physiotherapist, before returning to Taiwan as a missionary in 1999. I spend my days telling Bible stories and training others. Writing gets squeezed in there too.
2. When you were a child did you have a favourite book or books?
I loved Enid Blyton, especially the various boarding school series and Adventure series. I also loved the Narnia books.
3. Do you have a favourite Genre to both read and to write?
I like reading historical, mystery and suspense. However, so far I’ve written contemporary, women’s fiction. What I like about WF is that I can write about issues that normal people face like why doesn’t God answer prayer, how to forgive …
4. Did you have any favourite authors growing up who have influenced you?
The particular influences on my writing were CS Lewis and Francine Rivers. Lewis because of his use of language instilled in me a love of words and somehow made me want to create. Rivers because her style of books were ones I liked to read and I thought were more ‘me’ in terms of if I ever wrote, that would be my styles – Biblical fiction, historical and WF. It was reading her ’Sons of Encouragement’ that finally propelled me to obey the inner urging I’d had for some years. I started by writing some Biblical fiction practice novels as these were the closest to my day job of being a Bible storyteller.
5. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I’m not sure I want to be an author! However, it seems to be what God has asked me to do.
As a teenager I read a lot of missionary biographies and I suppose that was in the back of my mind that I might one day write such a book. However, my journey hasn’t gone in that direction (yet). Instead I wrote several non-fiction books that came out of life ministry. The fiction was a shock to me and came about because the ideas downloaded into my head during a half day of prayer. I wasn’t too happy as I knew I didn’t have the abilities to write fiction and that to learn was going to be a hard journey. It certainly was. Thankfully as a Christian we have a God beside us who is more than adequate to any task he’s asked us to do.
6. How did you go about becoming an author?
I started writing. Initially I only wrote for myself (to get my ideas straight) and to save me time so that I could send a document to people who asked for help with discipleship or storytelling.
With fiction, you just have to write and then gather the courage together to let others read your early attempts and make comments. Then you read books about writing and rewrite your work and then more feedback and so on. It’s tiring and painful but very necessary if you’re going to write something worth putting out into the world.
7. If you were not a writer what would you like to be?
I already have the best job in the world. I get to tell Bible stories to people who’ve never heard them. I also love training others to share stories and see their lives impact others.
Very few writers have the luxury of a full-time career. It is more possible if they are married and their husband has another job or if they do editing or design + writing.
8. Outside reading and writing what do you like to do?
Anything in the great outdoors – hiking, swimming, cycling.
I enjoy doing genealogy as that allows me both to indulge in history and detection. I also love to watch nature or history documentaries and learn more about this amazing world we live in.
9. Do you have a place you love to visit or would love to visit?
I love to visit Taroko Gorge in Taiwan – a marble river gorge.
Anywhere with beautiful scenery. I love New Zealand and have now completed 5 out of 10 of their top walks. I’d love to complete the rest.
I would love to spend more time in Europe in their National Parks and also absorbing all that lovely history.
10. If you could have a meal with 3 living people who would you choose and why?
* My brother and his family because they too work overseas and I don’t see them nearly often enough.
* Someone who has seen God work mightily and many churches planted, so I could learn from them.
* Another evangelist or Bible storyteller. I find these people really stimulating and encouraging.
Finally can you tell us about your latest release. Where can buy the book and where can we find you on the web?

Grace in Deep Waters released in August and is the third in a series that looks like being six books.
William Macdonald is at the pinnacle of his career. Pastor of a growing megachurch and host of a successful national radio programme. Clever and respected, he’s a man with everything, including a secret. His wife has left him and he can’t risk anyone finding out.
Blanche Macdonald is struggling. Her once rock-solid marriage is showing cracks. She promised to love her husband for better or for worse, but does loving always mean staying? Blanche desires to put God first. Not William. Not her daughter. Not herself.
When is a marriage over? When do you stand and fight?
Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4wOVVKcJDKA
The series has followed different members of the Macdonald family.
You can buy these books online – Kobo, Amazon, Apple books … and audio channels and for print books Koorong, Book Depository …
Find Christine online:
I love Francine Rivers too, I was really swept away by her novel “The Masterpiece”.
I love the reminder that God is more than capable of helping us to get a task done, I’m latching onto that.
Thanks for sharing you’ve sure had an interesting life and I’m sure God has given you some amazing experiences to write about. Thanks for sharing. Blessings xx
thanks for stopping by Keona. I too love learning about different authors and what inspired them.
I enjoyed reading this author interview. I loved the book blurb, and the book sounds like a very good read! I will be adding this book to my TBR list. Have a Great weekend. God Bless you.
Thanks for stopping by Alicia. hope you have a great weekend too.
Hi Christine good to see yet another Enid Blyton fan. I love the Naughtiest girl at school books too. I always remember them playing hockey. I loved the Faraway tree books also. Loved the Narnia books too. I tried so hard to got to Narnia via my wardrobe but it didn’t work!
Hi Christine,
It lovely to learn more about you and your writing journey. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for stopping by Lisa Renee.
Hi Christine & Jenny, great interview! Enid Blyton & the Narnia books were favourites of mine, too. I’ve also enjoyed reading Francine Rivers’ Biblical Fiction books.
I agree, fiction writing is hard, and it takes a lot of time and hard work to learn how to write fiction well. Thanks for sharing your writing journey with us. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by Narelle.
Thanks for sharing your journey and story, Christine! It was great reading about your influences and how you got here!