Friday Fiction | What Do You Want To Read?

Today for Friday Fiction I am doing something different.

Have you ever wanted to tell authors what you want to read? Or did you have an idea you wished was in a book? Do you want more of one subject? Well today we are going to have fun with some survey questions.

It won’t answer all the questions but lets see what we come up with. This idea will probably happen through out the year so watch out for it. Unlike Tuesday Book Chat this will have questions you can answer.

I hope you have had a little fun today. You can elaborate in the comments or tell us ideas that include the questions today. If you have an idea for a question also comment.


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

9 replies on “Friday Fiction | What Do You Want To Read?”

  1. Great idea. And some great suggestions too. I really enjoyed doing this.
    I’ve started reading more historical lately as I realised how little history I know. However, I do struggle reading the awful parts about slavery or convicts. I think it can still be written in a sensitive, enjoyable way though.
    And I always enjoy an animal in a story : ) So long as the author doesn’t dare let it die, lol.

    1. thanks Jenny, I like historical too (but don’t want graphic). I learning new things. I also don’t want animals dying. I want a book with a pet squirrel.

    1. thanks for commenting. With other I was hoping it allowed suggestions but looks like it doesn’t.

  2. Well, that was fun, thanks Jenny.
    I don’t like reading about animals being tortured or neglected, but love to read about them in a good setting. I’m not into cats but I’m enjoying a particular feline character in a series right now.
    I like to see mental illness portrayed in a sensitive light. Every time an author does this it helps to dispel stigma, especially around certain conditions.

    1. I don’t think anyone wants to see animals being hurt in books and I would hope that didn’t happen. I think there are several conditions that could be highlighted. It can also show how even people with disabilities, medical condtions etc live a normal life and its not a disadvantage. It is also good for educating as long as the author is themselves educated in the issue.

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