Introducing Jeanette Grant-Thomson

Today we’re interviewing Jeanette Grant-Thomson, who will be joining our group of frequent contributors to the ACW blog.

Fast Five

Kiwis or koalas? Koalas

Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes

Books or TV? Books

Desert or sea? Sea

Plotter or pantser? A bit of each. I have to do a bit of plotting or I let the story go too far without a pivot point, which slows it down.

Getting to Know Jeanette Grant-Thomson

What’s something interesting or unusual about you that not everyone knows?

When I was a pre-Christian twenty-one year old, in third year uni (UQ), I wrote and directed a short film. I flew to Sydney to a man who was distributing Australian films and he showed it, with others, all over Australia. It was selected to be shown in the Sydney Film Festival in 1968, which involved a lot of interviews and fun.

Where are you from? [city and state or country]

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia

What is your town or city most famous (or infamous) for?

I am not sure. We used to be known as an overgrown country town. That changed when they held Expo here in 1988.

What books are set in your town/city?

Johnno (David Malouf)
The beginning and I think the end of Kate Morton’s The Forgotten Garden
The Comfort of Figs (Simon Cleary)
Other books by David Malouf
Some by our online group authors (Adele Jones’ Activate series etc plus others)
Parts of all my own books. There’ll be lots of others.

About Your Writing

What do you write?

I’ve written bits of nearly everything. These days I write biographical books, novels, short stories, blog articles and the occasional poem.

Who or what are your main writing influences?

I’ve been writing all my life so it’s hard to tell. My parents encouraged me a lot when I was a child. Tom Shapcott and Professor Wilson were helpful tutors and lecturers in a short course at UQ, Norman Talbot helped a bit (another short course in Sydney).

I ran a writing group for three years in the early 2000s and the input from the other ladies was very helpful. I’d love to have a group like that again. These days I try to read books by Jane Harper and others whom I consider good writers to input some good writing style but I have to put up with the frequent swear words there.

Do you have any books published?

Yes, five plus an anthology from my writers group. Another one is being edited and hopefully will be published this year. Three are biographical – Jodie’s Story, Songs in the Night and Healing Song. Two are novels – Mirage and Lantern Light. Most of my books have been traditionally published. I have never self-published and am daunted by the prospect.
Currently I am finishing Amelia’s Island, a novel inspired by King Island off Wellington Point near Brisbane.

How long have you been writing?

Nearly seventy years.

What inspired you to start writing?

I have no idea. I opened my mouth and recited a four line ‘poem’ I’d made up, so my parents gave me an exercise book to write in. I was six or seven. I proceeded to fill the little book with poems and soon was having them published in the Brisbane newspapers. That was exciting for me.

What’s your favourite part of the writing process?

All of it. I don’t get sick of it until about the eighth rewrite.

What’s your biggest writing challenge?

Having enough time and energy.

How does your faith impact your writing?

I believe God gave me this ability and I ask Him to breathe into my writing and help me to write well. I also pray my books will reach people who find help (and perhaps God) by reading them.

Finally, where’s the best place to find you online?

My author page –
or email me at

I also have two blogs –
And jeanette’s


  • Jeanette Grant-Thomson

    Jeanette Grant-Thomson is a Brisbane-based author. She has been writing and having work published since she was a child and has enjoyed writing in most genres. Her first novel Jodie’s Story, now in its third edition, is a true story which opened the door for her to write several other works. Apart from writing, Jeanette enjoys beach walking, swimming and having coffee with friends.

Published by Jeanette Grant-Thomson

Jeanette Grant-Thomson is a Brisbane-based author. She has been writing and having work published since she was a child and has enjoyed writing in most genres. Her first novel Jodie’s Story, now in its third edition, is a true story which opened the door for her to write several other works. Apart from writing, Jeanette enjoys beach walking, swimming and having coffee with friends.

4 replies on “Introducing Jeanette Grant-Thomson”

    1. Thanks Carol. Yes, It was very exciting for a young girl. Lots of publicity and ‘events’. Thanks for commenting.

  1. Hi Jeanette, My apologies for commenting late. Welcome to ACW! We’re glad you’ve joined us. Thanks for sharing your fun interview. One of goals for 2022 is to prioritise more time and energy for my writing. 😊

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