Australasian Christian Writers, as part of our affiliation with Omega Writers as their partner Facebook group, has invited the leaders of Omega Writers to write a series on Omega Writers, who they are and how they operate.This month, President, Meredith Resce, is talking about her role in leadership with Omega Writers.
The President of Omega Writers Australasia guest interview
Omega Writers Australasia started out as a small gathering of like-minded Christian writers in Queensland over ten years ago. As this group grew, they planned a writers’ conference which developed over the years to become a national conference. The group went from a small casual support network to an incorporated body. Now the management committee of Omega Writers has leaders from all states except Western Australia and Northern Territory. We even have a subcommittee leader based in New Zealand.

The role of president has likewise evolved as time has worn on. The initial leaders set something in motion that grew larger than the casual structure could support. For a short time, it looked as if Omega Writers might fold.
A small group of people felt that such an event would be a huge loss to the Christian writers of Australasia, and banded together to keep the national conference alive. Award winning screenwriter, Simon Kennedy, was instrumental in taking on the weight of the incorporated body, and leading it through the time of possible closure. Having served for two years as president, and having seen the enthusiasm for Omega Writers continue to grow, Simon approached me about taking on the leadership, visionary role, otherwise known as president.
How I became president
I was reluctant—which is to say, I flatly refused. No way, no how, not ever. But as I put the idea before the Lord, I felt that I could take it on, but stipulated it would be for a short time only.
After the jokes from various other comic characters in our ranks—il presidente—had died down, I found myself with creative visionary ideas popping up. One thing I have learned in all positions of leadership I have occupied over the years, creative ideas are one thing—making them happen is a whole different ball game.
One of the reasons I was reluctant to take the leadership role was because I know very well what is required to be in front.
Generally, I like to be in a position where I can control my life. I have in the past taken on the role of producer of a number of stage productions, and have felt the overwhelming stress and panic when I’ve been unable to get all hands on deck and all ducks in a row (sorry for mixing metaphors). As a result I have become gun shy (yet another metaphor). Unless I have a strong army of volunteers on standby to take all the subcommittee positions of leadership, I know very well that I am unable to make a large production happen on my own.
Spreading the load
This was one of the things that had threatened Omega Writers in the past—the huge load of organisation and responsibility falling on the shoulders of a very few volunteers. When I agreed to take the role, my first condition was that the work that had previously fallen on the shoulders of one person would be divided into at least three different portfolios.
I was firm on this point.
I could not do everything the past presidents had done—and remain sane at the same time. I tip my hat to them for trying, but it was an unsustainable system. I even made a short video to communicate to the wider Omega members, just how much was done, and how it wasn’t done by the fairies.
Over the two years I have been at the helm, several people have risen who have been willing, and I might add, able to take on important leadership roles within Omega. Examples of this is the conference leadership and CALEB Prize leadership. You will hear from these individuals in other posts. I am grateful that members of the Omega Writers Incorporation have heard the message, have considered and have responded to the call for capable volunteers.
I hope to continue to activate other members into different levels of service. My main mantra over my season as president has been:
Many hands make light work.
As President I have been able to help institute a couple of new initiatives, neither of them were my idea, but both have been successful. We have been able to gain some corporate sponsorship for our major events. Another initiative has been the development of a scholarship fund to give new writers the opportunity to attend the national conference they would otherwise not have been able to afford.
Advocating for Australasian Christian writers
I realise that I need to keep advocating for Christian writers in our region, and have developed some relationship with the major Christian retailer left standing. Christian retail, we have learned through this relationship, has not only seriously declined, but is in a constant state of threat. Bookselling generally has become difficult for our members. But the good news is, we soldier on together, supporting one another.
This role is for a short period of time, and I hope to relinquish it in the next year or so, but when I do, it will be to someone who has ability, enthusiasm and grace to continue encouraging and leading the Christian Writing networks of our pacific region.
Thank you Meredith for your time, effort and creativity shared so freely with your fellow authors. You are very much appreciated!
Thanks for your support, too, Rita. Omega Writers only exists because of the team who have banded together. Many together will succeed where one can not do it alone.
Thank you for your honesty and vulnerability in sharing the story of your journey to the leadership of Omega. Those of us on the receiving end are grateful for your service.
Bless you as you serve this year and prayers for the next leader.
Thank you for your blessing, Elaine. Yes, let’s be praying for the next leader, and for all possible volunteers.
Thanks for explaining what you do and I love how you emphasised delegation and having others helping with areas they are able to. It is often said the more people will help in an organisation the better it will be. If no one had helped like you said you would have burned out and been of no help to anyone.
That is why we nearly lost Omega Writers, Jenny, because the load was too much for the small group who were doing it all. So I am always trying to build the team to spread the load. Thanks for being one of our avid readers, because Omega Writers are nothing without Omega readers. 🙂
Hi Meredith, Thank you for everything you do for Omega. It’s a big job and delegating is so important. I look forward to seeing Omega grow and prosper in the coming years. 🙂
And thank you, Narelle, for all the work you do with ACW. Omega Writers is richer for our affiliation with your social media networking.