Writer’s Life | Clutter that Overwhelms

Now I’m no Marie Kondo. Make no mistake. I hold onto things for years, decades, life if they have sentimental value. I’m not a fan of change But clutter does get overwhelming sometimes, so in recent years, I’ve developed a policy: don’t buy junk, and when I move, if something has no sentimental value, get …

Writers Life | Learning Through Imagination

I read an interesting meme on Face Book this morning, originally posted by Jennifer Powell. Fiction is fake!? How often have you heard that, or something like it? “I only read true stories.” “Fiction stories are lies.” “I don’t read fiction, I only read the Bible.” I’ve heard all of these at one time or …

A Non-anxious presence

A non-anxious presence. This little phrase stood out to me from amongst a load of inspiring information presented recently at an education conference. A non-anxious presence particularly in a world that seems to be plagued with anxiety, fear, shame, uncertainty, confusion. I pondered on this phrase, and other words that had rung bells from the …

Writers Life | A visit to America – in my head

For many years (24 to be exact) I have written Christian fiction based mostly in Australia. I’m Australian, so it makes sense to write what you know, or at least where you know. I had a short adventure living in the UK for a year in 2008, and during that time I was inspired to …

Writers Life | Persuasion: Yes, No, Maybe

The Write and Rong Weigh two Rite Don’t adjust your television set, people. All words in the title are spelled correctly, and when placed in that order form a context which reveals the meaning. But they are homophones of the words which I should have used. ‘Thank you, Captain Obvious.’ Speaking of Captain … I’d …

Writers Life | The Joker and the Queen

A beautiful ballad by Ed Sheeran and Taylor Swift, the Joker and the Queen tells the tale of two people who are from opposite worlds, finding love and connection. As writers, our method of operation is to try to get into the head and heart of people – albeit made-up people – to be able …

When I Woke Up – Part 2

    Two weeks ago, I talked about the new ‘Woke’ phenomenon, and asked you about addressing non-conservative, controversial issues within Christian Fiction. Your response was immediate and it seems that this subject is stirring in many hearts. This time, I wanted to talk specifically about one issue that has always been controversial to me. …

When I Woke Up.

[1] “When I wake up, well I know I’m gonna be…”[2] These are the opening lyrics to a famous, catchy song by the Proclaimers. Gonna be? For me, the question is, gonna be what when I wake up? Well, I did wake up, and the world I’m living in is looking less and less familiar. …