Becoming a debut author is a shared time of triumph and worry. This book baby is finally going to be out in the world! Yes!!!
But then come all the what ifs and questions . . . Will it sell well? Receive great reviews? Secure attention from influencers and media? Land in-person book signings and speaking engagements?
Throw in a pandemic over the past two years—and a lot of these concerns amplify literally twenty times. And somehow in the middle of it all as a debut author we have to overcome so much more. Where do we even start?
I started by thinking outside the box.
For me, the challenge of marketing for a debut author had to be met with the creativity and hard work and perseverance that got me to “debut author” status after all. I thought long and hard about what marketing could look like with the concerns and restrictions. I studied what other authors were doing and how I could do that too. I had to figure out how to effectively reach my audience on a strictly virtual platform.
Here are the things I did to launch and market my middle grade debut release in 2020 (under the pen name M.L. Tarpley):
I started a YouTube channel to post my book trailer and my reading of the first chapter along with book reviews and more. I also had an engaging and attractive website created to send people to so they can learn more about my book and me.
With book signings and events at physical bookstores not a possibility, I sold and shipped hundreds of signed copies from my home office (just call me the book fairy lol) and will in the near future sell them and other book swag from my online Square shop. I also partnered with a nearby independent bookstore to sign their stocked books as well as in future to arrange the fulfillment of book orders for schools, etc. through them and have the books shipped straight to the schools whether for a virtual or in-person visit. (If your local indie bookstore is willing, you can mask up and social distance in a secluded back room while signing their stock and any large sets of books being shipped out.)
Virtual Release Parties
Many book release parties have been virtual for years now, so I planned mine out in detail and asked the book’s illustrator to be my guest. She readily agreed and even played a hilarious LIVE game of Pictionary with me—though I made her use her non-dominant hand (ha!). I geared the party games to my book’s setting and characters, held giveaways for signed books and original art, and used BeLive Studio 2 technology for our dual LIVE video.
Another focus this year was revamping my newsletter to include featured activities, crafts, and writing prompts for kids because the need for more home activities was there.
Postcards and Bookmarks
And even though libraries have been closed so much this year the library staff are still working and therefore books are still purchased. I had a postcard designed that featured my book and the bio for me and the illustrator on the back as well as letting the recipient know how the book is available for purchase. Then, I started mailing out the postcards to every main branch library in my state, the multiple libraries in our cities and then I started sending them out to libraries and bookstores beyond our state and region. I am also reaching out to libraries and bookstores to ask if I can mail them promo bookmarks.
Another idea for outreach during the pandemic is to hold online writing classes for kids and/or post video lessons on YouTube and social media about writing. Parents and educators love any resource you can offer them. I am currently working on these resources.
A huge marketing tool that I believe many authors underutilize is Goodreads. It is THE social media platform for avid readers and book lovers and EXACTLY where we as authors need to be engaged and up-to-date online. The first step is to simply claim your books and fill out your author profile. Be engaging and show your personality.
I learned a lot about using Goodreads from Author Alessandra Torres’s YouTube channel.
I make a point to always add books I’m reading and review them as well as use the updates and blog features. I’ve posted my book trailer and chapter one read aloud videos there too. I interact with my followers and friends and like and comment on their reviews. I have connected with beta readers and bloggers through this site. I did a Goodreads giveaway before the second book in my series released. If you are not on Goodreads or haven’t been active, please get on there! That site is where readers are for sure.
Marketing a book always has its challenges—whether in the midst of a pandemic or not. I hope some of the above suggestions will help you to rise above the challenge of marketing for a debut author (or an author at any stage in your writing journey), to think outside the box and better market your books now and in the coming years.
Hi Morgan, Thanks for sharing your insightful post. I’m not familiar with marketing middle grade books, and your ideas are helpful and creative. Congratulations on launching your middle grade series during the headache and chaos of lockdowns! 😊
Hi Narelle! Thank you and you’re welcome! I hope authors can use some of the marketing tips for other genres as well.