If you’re planning to attend this year’s Omega Writers’ Conference don’t forget to make the most of the opportunities available. Not only are there going to be some fantastic Keynote Talks, Workshops and a Bookstall but there is also an incredible chance to get some professional input on your writing at The Hub!
‘What is The Hub?’ I hear you ask.
The Hub is your chance to book an appointment with a publisher, editor or other industry expert to gain feedback, suggestions and guidance on your work in progress. It can also be your chance to skip the dreaded ‘slush pile’ and pitch your manuscript to a publisher to see if they might consider it for publication.
Typically, a Hub appointment is 30 mins long.
You submit some of your work prior to conference and received personalised feedback during your session. These appointments cost $50 each. A small number of publishers also accept FREE five-minute pitches, where you see if a publisher is interested in your manuscript but you will not receive detailed feedback.
What sort of appointments are available?
This year we have a terrific variety of appointments on offer at The Hub. Whether your manuscript is polished and ready for submission, or you’re just starting out with a head full of great ideas, there’s likely to be something for you:
A Completed Manuscript
If you have a manuscript that’s submission ready we have several publishers happy to consider pitches. Publishers attending conference this year are:
- Rochelle Manners from Wombat Books and Rhiza Edge (children’s/YA)
- Rowena Beresford from Yellow Brick Books (children’s)
- Mark Worthing from Stone Table Books/Morning Star (fantasy, sci-fi and Christian non-fiction)
- Kris Argall from Acorn Press (non-fiction, general fiction, some children’s)
If you have a finished manuscript, but are not sure whether it’s ready for submission or are seeking editorial input to bring it to a higher standard an appointment with one of this year’s editors would be a great idea. Whether you’re writing romance, non-fiction, memoir or children’s books we have experienced editors able to offer constructive, personalised feedback for your work in progress. Seeing a publisher at this stage can also be helpful, especially as you consider the next step for your project.
If you’re keen to learn more about self-publishing options available, an appointment with Debbie Lee from Ingram Spark would be great value. She can offer specific advice, suggestions and know-how to get your book to print.
First Draft
If you have a rough draft or a brilliant idea you’d like some feedback on before you go any further, an appointment at the Hub can still be a good idea. Sometimes it’s worth getting some expert advice early on, before you have too many words on the page. It can also be helpful to get some detailed and specific guidance for how to best reach for your writing goals.
How do I book?
Visit The Hub information page here and read about the editors/publishers/experts available for bookings. Then go here to the Conference Registration page.
- If you haven’t yet registered for Conference you can book your Hub tickets as part of registration.
- If you have already registered for conference, just skip the rego sections and go straight to the Hub Ticket booking section and purchase your appointments there.
A question on behalf of a friend who has written a biblical fiction novel–is Rochelle Manners also representing Rhiza Connect at The Hub? I think my friend’s novel would be for an older audience than YA so it wouldn’t fit with Rhiza Edge. Thanks, Penny!
Hi Jo-Anne,
From what I understand, Rochelle is focusing on her middle grade and YA imprints this year at The Hub.
Kris Argall and Mark Worthing may be interested in considering adult Biblical Fiction though.
HOT OFF THE PRESS – Elizabeth Chapman from Elephant House Press will also be participating as a publisher in The Hub this year!
Great! Thanks for letting us know, Penny 🙂