Introducing the 2022 CALEB Awards
The 2022 CALEB Awards are now open for entries. The categories for 2022 are:
- Published Adult fiction
- Published Adult nonfiction (including memoir)
- Published Young Adult fiction
- Unpublished Adult fiction
- Unpublished Adult nonfiction (including memoir)
- Unpublished Young Adult fiction
Click here to enter.
Note that you will need to click the yellow “Book Now” button at the top right-hand side of the screen:

This will take you to the entry page:

Entries in the Published categories must have a 2021 copyright date.
Entries must be submitted as PDF or DOC/DOCX files. Please ensure the file is not protected, as we need to be able to email the file onto the judges, and for the judges to be able to open and read the file.
Note that we may ask finalists in the Published category to provide up to three hard copies of their book for the final-round judges (as we will give them the option of ebook or hard copy versions).
Click here to read the Published Award rules.
The Unpublished categories are for unpublished authors, not unpublished manuscripts (which means you’re competing against other unpublished authors, not multi-published award-winning authors).
Entries must be submitted as a DOC or DOCX file (i.e. Microsoft Word).
Entering a writing contest is a great way to get anonymous feedback on your writing, no matter whether you final or not. Everyone who enters will get feedback from three judges, who are all published authors, editors, or other publishing professionals.
Click here to read the Unpublished Award rules.
The contest is open to books by Australian or New Zealand Christian authors, or Christian authors living in Australia or New Zealand. Entrants must confirm they agree with the Omega Writers Statement of Belief, and entries must be written from a Christian world view and not contain objectionable content (e.g. profanity, sexual situations, or excessive violence.)
Entry Fee
The entry fees are:
- AUD 40 per entry for members of Omega Writers.
- AUD 70 per entry for non-members (click here to join Omega Writers, then get the membership rate once your membership has been confirmed).
Members, you will receive an email advising you of the discount code. It is also available in the Members section of the website.
Entries are open from 25 March to 26 April 2022.
Click here for more details and link to the entry form.
Interested in Judging?
Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to judge the 2022 CALEB Awards. We are still accepting volunteers. If you’re interested:
Click here to find out more about judging.
Click here to volunteer as a judge
Conference is On!
The 2020 2021 2022 Omega Writers Conference has been confirmed. The conference will be held from 7 to 9 October 2022, at the Peppers Salt Resort & Spa, Kingscliff, NSW (about 20 minutes from Gold Coast airport).
The conference will feature:
- Guest Speakers Collett Smart, Nicole Partridge and more
- Genre and Breakout Groups
- Panels for beginner and established writers
- The CALEB Awards Dinner
Watch this space for more information!
Hi Iola, Thanks for sharing the CALEB Award info. 😊