Today we have a guest post from Raewyn Elsegood, the ever-smiling coordinator of the Omega Writer’s Conference. Raewyn has additional motivation to sign up for this year’s conference.
In a world gone crazy with digital connection we are spending more time in isolation than ever before. A US Bureau of Labor Statistics Time Use Survey quoted in the New York Times by says we spend less than 4 minutes a day ‘hosting and attending social events’. That’s only 24 hours a year.
You may feel like you are doing more due to a busy life, but are you really?
As writers, we spend time craving for the alone time to write, yet when we get together as writers we can be at our happiest. We need each other to stay motivated, to brainstorm our ideas on plot and structure, to listen to how to get to our next step, to learn how to excel at our craft and to let our hair down and have fun with like minded people that make us feel like we are ‘home’.
Our Omega Writers Conference at Mulgoa, Sydney, from 11 to 13 October , 2019 is one of those great opportunities to be alone with your writing and together with friends.
Is it your time to connect? Is it your time to be inspired by keynote speaker Steve Laube, USA literary agent? Is it your time to be brave and make an appointment with an editor or publisher? Is it your time to be motivated to keep going by leaning on newfound friends in your region?
Is it your time to connect to Jesus and lay your work at His feet, so your words can indeed change the world?
We would love to see you there. You can find all the details at www.omegawriters.org.