Today is ANZAC Day. All around Australia and New Zealand, children and adults will be awake, showered and dressed long before dawn. They'll drive across town in the dark, hoping to beat the crowds and find a space in the car park at the Returned Services League (Australia) or Returned Services Association (New Zealand). They're …
Ways Authors Can Bless A Reader
I originally posted this about five years ago and have updated it. I wanted to mention ways authors can bless a reader. This if the flip side of my post 2 weeks ago. I am sharing from my personal experience. Fan letters The first fan letter I wrote to an author was Gilbert Morris. It …
Tuesday Book Chat | Do you prefer standalone novels, or a series?
Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you prefer standalone novels, or a series? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment …
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Lame Excuses. You won’t get far carrying that bed.
If you want to see your calling fulfilled, you have to stop with the lame excuses. Trust me, you won’t get far carrying that bed. The mattress is cumbersome and awkward, full of all the lame excuses you’ve justified to yourself and to God over the years. I know all about lame excuses because that …
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Why Good Friday?
Many non-Christians around the world may question as to why we call this day Good Friday. After all, today is a commemoration of the day that Our Lord Jesus was sentenced to death, viciously tortured and nailed to a cross. What on earth could be good about that? But we as Christians know that this …
A Surrendered Life
For some time now I’ve been reflecting upon the Garden of Gethsemane and there is just SO much I could say and unpack, but what really hit me was Jesus-the-surrendered-One. The prayers that Jesus prayed in garden were things like: “My Father! If it is possible, let this cup of suffering be taken away from …
DEVOTIONS: Running to the arms of the Father.
I'm a flawed person. This revelation likely isn't a surprise to anyone, except maybe my mamma, who happens to think I'm the most amazing woman to ever walk the earth (thanks, Ma!) Like most people, I have many flaws and faults. I've said and done things that have left me questioning my own sanity. I've …
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Tuesday Book Chat | How do you define Christian fiction?
Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: How do you define Christian fiction? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the …
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May-Kuan Lim Introduces the Stories of Life Writing Competition
Today we have a guest post from May-Kuan Lim, introducing the 2019 Stories of Life competition for Australian narrative non-fiction writers. But first, a reminder: entries for the 2019 CALEB Award from Omega Writers are now open. Click here to find out more and enter. And we're looking for readers to judge! Click here to …
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Fiction Friday | Getting To Know D. J. Blackmore with Giveaway
Welcome to Fiction Friday. Today we are going to have a little fun getting to know D. J. Blackmore. At the end of the post we you will have a chance to win one of two copies of Central to Nowhere. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Up until fairly recently I milked …
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