At the time of writing this blog, I am sitting in a café eating pizza in Chile. I have just finished a huge ministry day with work and am reflecting on all that has happened. This is my first time in Chile and I enjoying taking everything in; the sights and sounds and smells. The …
Tuesday Book Chat | What makes you buy or read a book from a new-to-you author?
Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: What makes you buy or read a book from a new-to-you author? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post …
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Introducing the 2019 CALEB Award from Omega Writers
The 2019 CALEB Award will soon be open for entries. As the coordinator of the Awards, I'd like to encourage all members of the Australasian Christian Writers community to get involved. Today I'm going to share three ways you can be involved: Entry opportunities Judging opportunities Sponsorship opportunities Entry Opportunities Entry to the CALEB Award …
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Fiction Friday | Book Review | One Thing I Know by Kara Isaac
Rachel Somers is the bestselling author of series of relationship books ... except the whole of America thinks her aunt, Dr. Donna Sommerville, is the author. Now, lots of published books are actually written by ghostwriters, so that's no big deal. But Rachel is more than the author. She's also the voice behind a lot …
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The Importance of Pruning
Christmas arrived with such a flurry, then just as quickly it was gone for another year. 2018 was drawing to a close. Another year. Where had the time gone? Recently I came across an analogy for finishing something and starting something new. It was suggested that we write down all the things that are bothering …
Author Interview: Penny Reeve CALEB Award Winner
Penny Reeve CALEB Award Winner is our guest today. Penny is talking about her CALEB award winning book "Camp Max" and the inspiration behind the book. You can find a review of Camp Max at here. Welcome Penny and thank you for your time. 1. Firstly, can you tell us a little about yourself? I …
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Tuesday Book Chat | What is your favourite setting to read about?
It's Iola here. Welcome to our Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today's question is: What is your favourite setting to read about? Um, all of them? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment …
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March 2019 Latest Releases
Welcome to the March latest releases. Congratulations to all who have a release this month. Also in this post is the winner of the February gift voucher. A Hero for Miss Hatherleigh (Regency Brides: Daughters of Aynsley Book 1) By Carolyn Miller (publisher Kregel, March 19, 2019) Can a very proper noble lady find a …
Fiction Friday: Acceptable Content in Christian Fiction
Many things change in publishing, but there are some things that stay the same. One of those constants is the hot button topic of Acceptable Content in Christian Fiction. What are the rules for Christian fiction? Should there be any rules? A more important question: What do readers expect when they pick up a book …
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#ThrowbackThursday – CALEB Award Review | Camp Max by Penny Reeve
Today for #ThrowbackThursday we're sharing a 2018 CALEB Award Review of Camp Max by Penny Reeve. Omega Writers is a Christian writing group serving Australian, New Zealand, and South Pacific Christian Writers. In 2018 they held their annual writing conference on the last weekend of October in Adelaide, South Australia. One much-anticipated part of conference …
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