Friday Fiction | Wish Me Gone

For Friday Fiction I am reviewing Wish Me Gone by D.J. Blackmore "Up close, the heritage listed house is nothing but a beautiful disaster, but while there are acres of orange trees to lose herself amongst, Isabella realises there’s no escaping the new school. But when intolerance towards Damaska and her family—whom Isabella’s family has …

Tuesday Book Chat | Is It More Important to Like the Hero or Heroine in a Romance Novel?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Is it more important to like the hero or heroine in a romance novel? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or …

New Releases | October 2022 New Releases and Giveaway Winners

Welcome to a October’s new releases. Today we have 4 new releases this month. Congratulations. Check at the end to see if you were winner in September. The Dawning of Peace of Dreamers and Designers by Donna Fletcher Crow Publisher: Verity Press (Released: August 23, 2022) The stunning conclusion to The Celtic Cross series. In …

Discovering New Books to Read

Back in the good old days, last century, the library was my go-to place to discover new books. I knew the floor plan layout and had memorised the shelving systems via genre and book category. I’d gravitate to the shelves that held hidden treasures waiting to be explored. I’d talk about books and pick up …

2022 Omega Writers Conference Roundup

Last weekend, around 80 Christian writers converged at Peppers Kingscliff, New South Wales, for a weekend of writing craft, connections, and Christ. Around half hadn't attended before, so it was great to meet lots of new people! Adele Jones and Andrea Grigg In our final host group meeting, we talked about what we'd each got …

Writers Life | Refilling your spiritual well as a writer…

While I aimed this post at writers, I hope readers of Christian fiction get something out of it too. I write Christian romantic suspense and have three books published with Anaiah Press, (Northern Deception, Northern Hearts, and Northern Protector), and the fourth book (Northern Redemption) will come out in 2023. The two-year pandemic caused all …

Tuesday Book Chat | What’s Your View On Epilogues Where The Couple Get Engaged or Married?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: What's your view on epilogues where the couple get engaged or married? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the …

Omega Writers Presents the 2022 CALEB Award Winners

The winners of the 2022 CALEB Awards were announced on 8 October at the Omega Writer’s Conference. The conference was held at Peppers Kingscliff, New South Wales. The awards dinner was livestreamed in three parts. Click here to watch Penny Reeve welcome members, and Jo Wanmer share about her CALEB win. Unpublished Manuscripts Click here …

Fiction Friday | The Upwelling by Lystra Rose

When Kirra turned sixteen, the strange dreams began, the dreams that come true. Her counsellor calls them coincidences, but Kirra isn’t so sure ... especially when her latest dream is about the world being destroyed. Soon. Narn’s life should be simple. He’ll take over his father’s role as dolphin caller. He’ll be joined with Tarni. …