Regardless of Genre, We’re All World-Builders

When you see a post about world-building by an author, what comes to mind? Fantasy? Science fiction? Dystopian? We’d all agree creators of these kinds of stories build fictional worlds very different from “real life.” It’s the quality of their world-building that makes what might seem unlikely feel believable as we read. Every author is …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do You Enjoy Novels With Food Themes

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do you enjoy novels with food themes? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our …

Omega Writers | Call for Judges for 2022 CALEB Award

 It Takes a Village to Publish a Novel One of the many myths about writing and writers is that we work alone. We sit in our attic room, scratching away for weeks and months and years, and eventually produce a work of staggering genius that has the publishers beating a path to our door, each one …

Fiction Friday | Art & Checked Impressions

Any other art fans out there? Do you enjoy reading books with artworks in it? Back in 2010 my husband and I were blessed with the opportunity to visit North America which saw this redheaded Aussie insist on a trip to every redhead’s spiritual home: Prince Edward Island, aka the home of Anne of Green …

DEVOTIONAL – Where does my help come from?

It appears to be a given that every writer wrestles with self-doubt, impostor syndrome, and a sense of inadequacy. The blank screen dares us to be outstanding, while our half-formed notions mill about chaotically to the point where even housework looks like an inviting alternative. Been there? You’re not alone. Not even this minute. 2 …

Don’t Let Your Dogged Determination Get Derailed.

So, you’ve answered the call to adventure, you stepped out in faith, and you’ve told fear to go take a hike. But the steep and winding path toward your dream that was lit up in the first few steps so you could read each signpost now seems to have suddenly gone dark and you feel …

Tuesday Book Chat | Do Romance Novels give Women Unrealistic Expectations?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week. Today’s question is: Do romance novels give women unrealistic expectations? We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our …

New Releases | February 2022 New Releases and Giveaway

Welcome to a February's new releases. Today we have 2 new releases and a giveaway thanks to Donna Fletcher Crow. Congrats to all authors. Check at the end to see if you were the winner of the January gift card. The Strife of Ascendancy, Of People and Rulers by Donna Fletcher Crow   Publisher: Verity …

Christian Fiction and Real Life Issues

I occasionally read Christian fiction stories that tackle deep and challenging real life issues. Story can be an effective way to teach us how to empathise with people who are in difficult and messy situations. Through the character's point-of-view we can gain valuable insights into how they think, feel and respond in specific circumstances. We …

Book Review | Hook Your Readers by Tamar Sloan

Tamar Sloan is an Australian psychologist and author who has combined her talents to write this book. In it, she explains the importance of story to the human psyche (which Lisa Cron also addresses in Wired for Story), and discusses the key psychological components that make a book compelling. Sloan starts with the 1944 Heider …