Editing Your Life: A Fresh Start for 2025

Edit your life frequently and ruthlessly. It’s your masterpiece after all. Nathan W. Morris As writers, we know the value of editing our work and welcoming feedback from others. But have you ever thought about applying that same principle to your life? As we step into 2025, let’s go beyond making resolutions and consider the …

Writers Life | Travel and Writing

I get a lot of inspiration from travelling and don’t see myself stopping until health or other circumstances prevent me. When I recently returned from a five-week trip to Norway, Iceland and the UK, quite a few people asked if I wrote while I was away. Umm …. no. When I travel to write, I …

Introducing the President of Omega Writers Australasia

Australasian Christian Writers, as part of our affiliation with Omega Writers as their partner Facebook group, has invited the leaders of Omega Writers to write a series on Omega Writers, who they are and how they operate.This month, President, Meredith Resce, is talking about her role in leadership with Omega Writers. The President of Omega …