Ten Ways to Build a Writing Habit 

Can one tiny change transform your life? It’s unlikely you would say so. But what if you made another? And another? And another? At some point, you will have to admit that your life was transformed by one small change. James Clear One of the biggest questions I get from beginner writers is, ‘How do …

Don’t Let Your Dogged Determination Get Derailed.

So, you’ve answered the call to adventure, you stepped out in faith, and you’ve told fear to go take a hike. But the steep and winding path toward your dream that was lit up in the first few steps so you could read each signpost now seems to have suddenly gone dark and you feel …

Devotion: This Designer Doesn’t Offer Discounts

For you were bought at a price; therefore, glorify God in your body and in your spirit, which are God’s. 1 Corinthians 6:20 NKJV Shopping in a luxury boutique intimidated me, especially on my budget. I usually looked for discounts not designer labels.  I worried about feeling unsophisticated in a shop that sold merchandise I …

January: A blank page filled with potential

  For last year’s words belong to last year’s language And next year’s words await another voice. And to make an end is to make a beginning. (Little Gidding) T.E. Eliot New Year is a time when we reflect on the previous year and make resolutions or plans for the next. As a writer, I …

Create Through the Storm

In order to realize the worth of the anchor we need to feel the stress of the storm. Corrie Ten Boom Sometimes we writers want all our ducks lined up in a row–all the papers laid out in neat piles on our desk, all our family members occupied doing something else, the sun shining, and …

The message must get through

The Urgent Message The War Is Finished, But Some Are Still Fighting Today is Remembrance Day, celebrated in Australia, UK, New Zealand, USA and other places around the world. The Armistice was signed, apparently, at 5.30am on November 11th 2018, so as to give time for the message to reach the various fronts for a …

Devotional | The Care Scare

We will never run out of things to care about. One glance at the internet, particularly if you run in certain circles, will bombard you with things that urgently need your prayers, your attention, your energy, your money. A great number of them are truly worthy. Like a deer in headlights, a sensitive person is …

Write Like You Mean It

I’ve been learning a lot about myself lately and what I’ve found is that when I write in alignment with my true self, I get scared. If this doesn’t sound familiar you may want to stop reading and go on with your day. If this does sound familiar, then maybe we can try and work …

Scattered: an impressive debut novel

Scattered, by Nola Lorraine is a fabulous debut inspirational historical fiction novel. Set in Victorian-era Nova Scotia, the novel employs quite a few genre elements such as historical, mystery, and romance–something for every reader. Maggie is on a quest. Her siblings have been sent from England to Canada as part of the Home Children Migrant …

What Do I Know?

I used to be a teacher and if a student asked a question, I’d do everything I could to give them an answer. Answers help us make sense of the world. Answers are important. When I was growing up in church, pastors seemed to have answers for everything. It appeared there was a Bible verse …