Author Interview | Introducing Louise Crossley

Fast Five Long black or flat white? Soy milk latte if I’m feeling chatty and chai if I’m feeling reflective. Kiwis or koalas? Cute, Australiana koalas. Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes are delicious but since kiwifruit got me through three bouts of morning sickness, I have to be loyal to my pregnancy panacea. Books or TV? …

Author Interview | Jodie McCarthy

Fast Five Long black or flat white? Short Mac to start the day, then tea after that. Cricket or rugby? I fell in love with test cricket watching the 2006/2007 Ashes. Hobbits or Mad Max? Hobbits, I’m more a fantasy girl than Sci-Fi. Sun or snow? As my childhood was spent in the Northern and …

Fiction Friday: Getting to know Rosanne Hawke

Please welcome Rosanne Hawke to our blog today for Fiction Friday Rosanne Hawke is our guest today for Fiction Friday. We will be getting to know more about Rosanne Hawke. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I am a YA and children’s author from rural SA and have recently had my 30th …

Fiction Friday | Getting to know Carol Ashby with Giveaway

Carol Ashby is the latest in the getting to know you interviews for Fiction Friday. Welcome Carol as we get to have a little fun getting to know you. Carol is also giving away one of her new books. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I live in New Mexico in a rural …

Author Interview with Nicole Zoch and a Givaway

Author Interview Nicole Zoch is our guest  on our blog today. Welcome Nicole.  We are going to learn more about Nicole and what makes her tick. Nicole is also giving away an autographed copy of Having Faith. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I live in country Victoria with my husband Jamie …

Fiction Friday | Getting to know Cecily Paterson

Cecily Paterson is out guest for Fiction Friday. Please welcome Cecily as we get to know her better.  Cecily Paterson’s new book is How Not To Be Popular. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I grew up in Pakistan as the children of missionaries and went to boarding school in the Himalayan …

Fiction Friday | Author Interview with Carolyn Miller and Giveaway

Today we welcome Carolyn Miller for Fiction Friday. Carolyn has also offered a giveaway of one of her books. Thank you Carolyn for visiting with us today. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Hi! I’m a mum of four (3 teenagers and a ten-year-old!), wife to one, author of inspirational historical fiction …

Author Interview: Penny Reeve CALEB Award Winner

Penny Reeve CALEB Award Winner is our guest today. Penny is talking about her CALEB award winning book “Camp Max” and the inspiration behind the book. You can find a review of Camp Max at here. Welcome Penny and thank you for your time. 1. Firstly, can you tell us a little about yourself? I …

Author Interview – Meredith Resce

Fast Nine Here are my quick answers to the questions fired at me. I was supposed to choose five… Long black or flat white? I don’t drink coffee. Let’s do a banana smoothie. Kiwis or koalas? Koalas Mangoes or kiwifruit? Mangoes Cricket or rugby? CRICKET!! Hobbits or Mad Max? No comment Books or TV? Really, …

Author Interview | Jenny Blake

This Author Interview is part of a series, introducing the members of Australasian Christian Writers, to give you the opportunity to get to know us a little better. Today’ Author Interview is with Jenny Blake (AKA Ausjenny). Welcome, Jenny. Fast Ten Long black or flat white? Well I actually hate coffee so neither for me …