Devotional | I Am Your Friend

I sit in my backyard, sipping a steaming cup of coffee. Mmmm. Delicious. My eyes fall on the flowers that adorn the large rocks before me—like a cascade of a picturesque purple lava flowing over them. A bold breeze laughs as it tugs at my hair. The twitter of birds fill the air and the …

Best of the ACW Archives: He Calls Me Daughter by Lays Halawe

Today we’re sharing an inspiring Devotion post from our blog archives by Lays Halawe. Be blessed by Lays’ words of grace. Daughter. He called me daughter. As I stood at a prayer and worship night at church, arms stretched high with tears streaming down my face, I cried out to God. I opened up my …

Devotional| Daily Bread by Jodie McCarthy

2020, what a year! What have you been learning? What has this year been teaching you? This year I have learnt how to make sourdough bread. It is quite a process over a number of days, feeding the starter, stretching the bread, proving the dough. It is a slow process, nothing can be hurried, everything …

Devotional| What are you doing here? by Jodie McCarthy

How have you felt over the last few months? How have you reacted to the ups and downs of isolation, and now the relaxing of restrictions? Have you asked the question, “What am I doing here?” I have recently been pondering a passage from Kings which details Elijah’s escape from Jezebel after he defeats the …

A Legacy of Love – Keona J Tann

“Love one another, Jesus said. Sometimes it took a lifetime to learn how.” Francine Rivers Wouldn’t it be nice if it didn’t take our entire lifetime to learn?I wonder if we could learn how to truly love others before we cause too much destruction? C.S. Lewis declares: “I do not expect old heads on young …

Devotional – Comfort Others by Keona J Tann

On the 25th of February this year (2020) I awoke from a dream where God had directed me to comfort a widow. In my dream I introduced myself; held her hand; I cried with her; I prayed for her; and admired the dress she showed me that she would wear at the funeral. It didn’t …

Devotional | On Boundaries by Jodie McCarthy

In this new year, I keep coming back to Psalm 16 and the verses that say: LORD, you alone are my portion and my cup;you make my lot secure.The boundary lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;surely I have a delightful inheritance. Psalm 16:5-6 (NIV) We knew this year was going to be busy, …

Tarry Ye! a devotion by Keona J Tann

I recently purchased an absolute gem of a book for it contains sermons and writings by Aimee Semple McPherson1 which I’m slowly working my way through. I say slowly because it is a thick book but also it takes time to digest each sentence because she writes with such depth. In the 1920s, as a …

The blood of Jesus. A devotion by Keona J Tann

I get queasy at the sight of blood; I can feel lightheaded and extremely uncomfortable; I have a strong adverse reaction to the sight of blood. In vast contrast to how I respond to the sight, or thought, of human blood I feel strength and life when I reflect upon Jesus’ blood.How is this possible? …

What do you do? a devotion by Keona J Tann

A common ice breaker question is for someone to ask: “what do you do?”. Now this can be an easy question to answer or it can be a tough and complex one. If we love what we do then it’s easy. However, if we’re struggling with what we do then the answer can feel like …