New Releases | September 2020 New Releases and Giveaway

Welcome to September new releases. Congratulations to all with a new release. Are you the winner August’s gift card, keep reading to find out. Lisa Renee has offered a giveaway, details under her new release. Polarized Love by Lisa Renee (Publisher: The Collaborative Press, Date Released August 31, 2020) Beth has served her family and …

December New Releases with giveaway

Welcome to December’s Newest releases. This month we have three new releases, congratulations on your new releases. This month we also have a giveaway of one of the new releases. The winner of the November gift voucher is also named a the end of the post. When Promises are Broken by Chrissy Garwood (Publisher: Chrisolite …

Fiction Friday | Getting to know Carol Ashby with Giveaway

Carol Ashby is the latest in the getting to know you interviews for Fiction Friday. Welcome Carol as we get to have a little fun getting to know you. Carol is also giving away one of her new books. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I live in New Mexico in a rural …

Author Interview with Nicole Zoch and a Givaway

Author Interview Nicole Zoch is our guest  on our blog today. Welcome Nicole.  We are going to learn more about Nicole and what makes her tick. Nicole is also giving away an autographed copy of Having Faith. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? I live in country Victoria with my husband Jamie …

#FictionFriday – A Tuscan Legacy plus bonus novella + #giveaway

For Fiction Friday I’m excited to share with you A TUSCAN LEGACY boxed set. The 9 original stories plus the brand new Book 10 novella — INNAMORATA by Autumn Macarthur — packaged together for 99c at Amazon Kindle. I’m also giving away a Gift Card to a reader who comments on this post (see giveaway …

Fiction Friday | Author Interview with Carolyn Miller and Giveaway

Today we welcome Carolyn Miller for Fiction Friday. Carolyn has also offered a giveaway of one of her books. Thank you Carolyn for visiting with us today. 1. Can you tell us a little about yourself? Hi! I’m a mum of four (3 teenagers and a ten-year-old!), wife to one, author of inspirational historical fiction …

January 2019 Recent Releases

Gift Card Winner Paula Vince is the winner of the $10 US  (or $15 AUD) gift card (see Narelle’s Launch Day post, 7th January). Congratulations Paula! To claim your prize, please complete the Contact Form with ‘January Gift Card Winner’ as the subject. Giveaway rules and prize information can be found here. Omega Writers Conference: 11-13 …

Welcome to our new website! Plus #Giveaway

By Narelle Atkins @NarelleAtkins We’re excited to welcome you to our new blog home. Today is the official launch of the revamped Australasian Christian Writers group blog. Many thanks to Iola Goulton for the hours of work she has put in to create our new site. What’s New? A fresh new look and layout that’s …