New Releases | September 2023 New Releases

Today we have 2 new releases this month. Congratulations to all. Heart in the Clouds by Jennifer Mistmorgan Self-Published. (Release date: 21 September 2023) He’s a charismatic Australian bomber pilot used to beating the odds.She’s the radio operator he speaks to each night before he flies.He makes a bet that he can steal a kiss….and …

Wednesday Writing Wins from ACFW Beyond the Borders

The Beyond the Borders zone of American Christian Fiction Writers is the home of international Christian writers, and includes many Australian and New Zealand members. American Christian Fiction Writers is a writing organisation devoted to improving the craft of Christian Fiction. Members can benefit from: Online critique groups, writing training, and webinars. Discounted entry to the …

Discovering New Books to Read

Back in the good old days, last century, the library was my go-to place to discover new books. I knew the floor plan layout and had memorised the shelving systems via genre and book category. I’d gravitate to the shelves that held hidden treasures waiting to be explored. I’d talk about books and pick up …

Writers Life | Seven ways to encourage an author to write more books

I never used to sign up for anything. I was a scrooge when it came to subscribing and downright anti-social on social media. Why would a ‘successful’ creative care what lil old me had to say to them? I thought. It wasn’t until I became an author I understood just how misguided that attitude was. …

Author Interview | Introducing Jennifer Mistmorgan

Today we’d like to welcome Australian author Jennifer Mistmorgan to the blog. Jennifer writes Christian historical romance, and has recently signed with Rachel McMillan,  a Canadian literary agent. We’ll start with our Fast Five: five quick questions so we can get to know Jennifer better! Long black or flat white? Flat white. Always. Mangoes or …