Writer’s Life | Conscious Unplugging

There’s a lot of noise in the world. Since the evolution of television, computers, and mobile phones there’s been a gradual increase in the inputs into our lives.  Most authors write on devices that are connected to the outside world. This portal tempts us to dive out of the world of our writing and into …

Writer’s Life | A Sense of Possibility

As I write, I’ve just completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Teaching Creative Writing. I used to be an  English teacher and I know how to teach creative writing, but in this course, I focused on my work as a writing mentor. The last few years have seen me develop workshops for beginning writers who …

Writers Life | Just Keep Writing

Just keep swimming.  Just keep swimming, swimming, swimming. What do we do? We swim, swim.  Dory, from Finding Nemo Lately, I’ve found it hard to write. I think about the novels I have in progress and struggle to actually get to my desk and work on them. There’s been a lot going on in our family–a …