Portraying True Characters in Historical Fiction

Have you ever noticed that movies based on real events have different taglines? If it says ‘based on a true story’, it will stick fairly closely to the facts. The producer and director still take some poetic licence, or it would be a documentary rather than a movie, but the main elements will be true. …

Balancing Truth and Beauty in Our Writing

A Literary Dilemma Christian authors and readers are often faced with a dilemma. We’re encouraged to think about those things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent or praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8), so surely those things should apply to what we read and write. There is certainly a lot of beauty in our world, …

Online Book Launches in an Age of Covid

Covid has certainly disrupted a lot of writing events this year, but it doesn’t have to stop you from having a book launch. You might just need to think outside the box. I was fortunate in being able to hold a physical book launch for my debut novel Scattered, but I decided to also do …

Scattered: an impressive debut novel

Scattered, by Nola Lorraine is a fabulous debut inspirational historical fiction novel. Set in Victorian-era Nova Scotia, the novel employs quite a few genre elements such as historical, mystery, and romance–something for every reader. Maggie is on a quest. Her siblings have been sent from England to Canada as part of the Home Children Migrant …