The Value of Writing Retreats

Have you ever been on a writer’s retreat? I’ve been on eight, so there must be something that keeps bringing me back. Is it the time to write? The networking? The input and mentoring? The fun and fellowship? The pool? Well, it’s all of those and more.

What is a Writer’s Retreat?

A writer’s retreat is a time when you can get away from the usual routine of your life, do some writing (surprise!), and gain encouragement from other writers. It can be as simple as a few people popping over to a friend’s house for the day, or as grand as jetting off to a French chateau where you’ll eat gourmet food and be mentored by a bestselling author. While they vary in content and structure, a retreat tends to have a more relaxed schedule than a conference. There is not as much specific input, and more time for writing and networking.

Why Go to a Writer’s Retreat?

People go to writer’s retreats with different goals and expectations. Some may lead very busy lives and relish the idea of having some designated time to actually work on their manuscripts. Others might look forward to the networking and friendship opportunities. Some may be ‘stuck’ or lacking inspiration, and need some advice or encouragement. Others might be seeking direction for their writing or looking forward to the opportunity to replenish their creative wells. And yes, I did go to the beach during one retreat at a friend’s house, but I wrote more that week than I have ever written in my life. Really!

Don’t Take My Word For It

I asked some writer friends if they could share a few words about what writer’s retreats have meant to them. Here are some of their replies.

Adam Collings – ‘The Tasmanian Omega Writer’s Retreat at Poatina was a fantastic experience which re-invigorated my writing passion. There was a nice balance of great teaching and quiet time to write. Plus, the opportunity to meet some other local writers. As a massive introvert, meeting people can be challenging for me, but the shared interest in writing was really helpful in this regard. I’ll definitely be back for the next one.’

Susan Barnes – ‘I find the biggest benefit of going on a retreat is the networking. I don’t live near my writing friends, and even when we do catch up, we don’t necessarily talk specifically about writing. Going on a retreat provides an opportunity to talk about issues that are unique to writers. I find this so encouraging and inspiring, like I’m not alone on my writing journey and that others understand the struggle to find the time and motivation to write. Plus, I love to hear about the ‘God moments’ where writers tell stories of God giving them ideas or opportunities.’

Tamika Spaulding – ‘I love attending retreats! To me, they are like a home away from home. From the moment I arrive till the moment I leave, I am in a place where I can just enjoy becoming the writing student of God that I long for every day. I love being surrounded by like-minded people and have found some of my closest and dearest friends at retreats. These retreats have also opened up new and unexpected writing opportunities and I have always received continued support in my writing endeavours long after the retreats have come to an end. ‘

Come to Our Queensland Retreat

Are you thinking, ‘Wow, those retreats sound great. If only I could go to one’? Well wonder no more, because there’s still time to book for our retreat at Camp Somerset organised by the Toowoomba Chapter of Omega Writers. But get in quickly, because registrations close on 21 April 2023.


5-7 May 2023 (from Fri 4.00 pm to Sun 12 noon)


The Lodge at Camp Somerset, 1180 Stanley Pocket Rd., Crossdale. It’s roughly equal distance from both Brisbane and Toowoomba, set in beautiful surroundings. You can find out more about The Lodge and the location here.


Bestselling Christian author Meredith Resce will show us how to bring our writing to life. There will also be a publishing panel with Meredith, publisher Rochelle Stephens from Wombat Books/Rhiza Press, and indie publisher, author and editor Jeanette O’Hagan. We are also offering critique/editing appointments with Meredith, Jeanette and yours truly (Nola Passmore/Nola Lorraine), as well as a limited number of publishing appointments with Rochelle. There will also be plenty of free time for writing, networking, brainstorming, hanging out in the pool or enjoying the beautiful surrounds.

Cost and Booking?

Remember to book no later than 21 April 2023 (sooner if possible). You can find out more information about the retreat, including costs and booking info, by going to the Omega Retreat link. The website is undergoing periodic maintenance at the moment. If you have trouble with that link, try going straight to the Booking Page. If you’re still having trouble, try later in the day.

If you’re a current financial member of Omega Writers, be sure to log into the Omega site first and then access your discount code from the Members Area.

Even though bookings don’t close until 21 April 2023, it would really help us if you could book as soon as possible, as we have a few logistics to work through.

We’re Ready to Welcome You

A big shoutout to our chief organiser Adele Jones, and the committee, for pulling this retreat together. Finally, let’s hear from some of our Toowoomba team regarding what the retreat has meant to them.

Kirsten – ‘I’ve always enjoyed the Writer’s Retreat. It gives me a chance to retreat from the rush and hurry of life and focus on the beauty of writing with like-minded people and surrounded by some of the most amazing landscapes.’

Pamela – ‘The writer’s retreat has provided opportunities for encouragement and learning and support. I have been touched by God every single retreat and I’ve seen his working and his ministry in my life and in the lives of others.’

Mazzy – ‘The Toowoomba Omega Writers Retreat has been a tremendous source of inspiration and encouragement for me each and every time, even the one I attended with a broken wrist! It’s great to flee the madding daily rush, commune with other writers … nature … God … eliminate 400 odd occurrences of the word ‘just’ in an 80 000-word draft. I’m most disappointed I can’t make it this year, but don’t let that stop you from being blessed at Camp Somerset.’

We’re also sorry Mazzy can’t come this time, but the rest of Team Toowoomba will be there to say ‘Howdy’ and show you a rollicking time. Why not join us?

Do you know of any other upcoming retreats? If so, please add details in the comments. We’d also love to hear of your experiences at writing retreats.

(N.B. This blog originally appeared on the Christian Writers Downunder site. Thank you for allowing the cross-post. We really appreciate it.)


  • Nola Lorraine @nolalorraine1

    Nola Lorraine (also writing as Nola Passmore) loves weaving words of courage and hope. She has had more than 150 short pieces published, including short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, magazine articles, devotions and academic articles. Her inspirational historical novel 'Scattered' was published in 2020.

Published by Nola Lorraine @nolalorraine1

Nola Lorraine (also writing as Nola Passmore) loves weaving words of courage and hope. She has had more than 150 short pieces published, including short fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, magazine articles, devotions and academic articles. Her inspirational historical novel 'Scattered' was published in 2020.

6 replies on “The Value of Writing Retreats”

  1. I’ve attended women’s retreats which have been AMAZING but haven’t had the chance to attend a writer’s retreat yet, definitely on the ‘to do’ list. Thanks for sharing xx

    1. Thanks for that, Keona. I’d definitely recommend a retreat. It’s so good to get together with like-minded people and talk about writing. I hope you’re able to get to one before too long. Thanks for commenting.

  2. Thanks for this post, Nola! Like you, I enjoy and value the dedicated space of a writer’s retreat, the opportunities for connection they afford, and the respect shown during those sacred writing times. The Sydney chapter has a retreat coming up on 29th April, and I’m super excited about it! Hope you enjoy your upcoming retreat too!

    1. Thanks Steph. Your Sydney retreat sounds amazing. Make sure someone in the group blogs about it afterwards. I’d love to hear how it goes, and I’m sure others will too. Expect the unexpected! Thanks for commenting.

  3. I’ve been blessed to spend a week to relax and write at the Christian retreat Ffald y Brenin in Wales. It was the second time I had stayed there. The first time I was in a turmoil due to a restructure at work and I encountered God in their prayer room. I will never forget that.
    There are many accounts of people giving their life to Christ there. This last time I managed to stay in a room that overlooked His Cross with the valley as a backdrop. Holy Spirit gave me so many fruitful words to write, with some of the pieces being used in my first book “in His words”.
    I also met some interesting people from around the world and we discussed our walks with Christ. All of this and some walks in the beautiful countryside made an unforgettabe and productive retreat. I hope to return there.

    1. Wow, Helen, that sounds like a fabulous place to have a retreat. Good on you for being open to all God had to show you at that time. It sounds like a very special place. Thanks for sharing.

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