Tuesday Book Chat | Do You Prefer Stand-Alone books or A Series?

Welcome to Tuesday Book Chat. This is where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.

Today’s question is:

So you prefer stand-alone books or a series?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation by commenting on this post or on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.

Let’s chat!

Hard questions as I like both. Stand-alone books depending on the story can be an easy read and you don’t need to wait for the next book. I do like series as you get to know the characters. When I don’t like series is when there is only one book a year and there is a cliffhanger. I read one series where book one seemed to end abruptly but the next book was a year away. The problem is waiting 12 months I tend to forget some of the details and stories. When a series is one book a year but has a ending for each book it is not so hard to pick up.

Your turn.

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.

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And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2021


  • Jenny Blake @ausjenny

    Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

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Published by Jenny Blake @ausjenny

Jenny Blake (Ausjenny) is a cricket fanatic who loves reading although not reading as much as she use to. She loves to be able to help promote good Christian books and support authors. In her spare time she is enjoying the company of her two cats, enjoys jigsaws and watching cricket.

6 replies on “Tuesday Book Chat | Do You Prefer Stand-Alone books or A Series?”

  1. If I enjoy the books, I really love a series so I can keep finding out more about the characters. Though I also like each book in the series to come to some resolution, even though there might be ongoing backstory. I’m not as keen on books that finish on a cliffhanger, especially if the next installment isn’t available yet. I’ve enjoyed series by Terri Blackstock, Dani Pettrey, and Colleen Coble, to name a few.

    1. I agree with you too Nola. The series I am thinking of ended as if they just stopped righting the end of a chapter and then the next book took up where it left off. No rehashing what had happened. By the time I got the next book I had forgotten a lot of what happened in the previous one.

  2. I like both.
    I’m finding a lot of series published recently can actually read as stand alone books because the main character isn’t the same person for all of the books in the series. They may make an appearance in all the books, but the rest of their story is only told through brief encounters.
    Cliff hangers are hard – even harder when the final book in the series is never published. I’ve had that happen a few times. Or when, for whatever reason, someone decides that after the first book they will not allow the rest of the series to be sent to Australia.

    1. Oh that is annoying. Book Depository is an option for some print books as its free delivery world wide.

  3. I enjoy both, as long as the books in a series do not leave you hanging and waiting for a solution in the next book. It’s especially enjoyable when a minor character gets their own storyline in a subsequent book in the series. It’s also important to know when to end a series and not have it drag on too long.

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