Tuesday Book Chat | How many books have you read this year?

Welcome to the Australasian Christian Writers Tuesday Book Chat, where we encourage book lovers to answer our bookish question of the week.

Today’s question is:

How many books have you read this year?

We look forward to hearing your thoughts. Please join in the conversation in a comment on this post or in a comment on the blog post shared in our Australasian Christian Writers Facebook Group.

Let’s chat!

When I first read this question, I thought hmm… I have no idea! Fewer than 2018 and 2017, if I’m counting fiction. I haven’t posted many book recommendations on my blog this year, but I do have a list of books I’d like to recommend. I’ve also read more writing/publishing/marketing books and non-fiction books this year than in previous years. I sometimes think about how I could use Goodreads to track my reading, especially now that my Kindle is connected to Goodreads.

What do you think? Do you know how many books you’ve read this year? 

And don’t forget: if you’d like to participate in our weekly Book Chat by posting the question and your answer on your blog, drop us an email via our Contact page and we’ll send you the list of questions for 2020.


  • Narelle Atkins

    A fun loving Aussie girl at heart, Narelle Atkins was born and raised on the beautiful northern beaches in Sydney, Australia. She has settled in Canberra with her husband and children. A lifelong romance reader, she found the perfect genre to write when she discovered inspirational romance. Narelle’s contemporary stories of faith and romance are set in Australia and international locations.

Published by Narelle Atkins

A fun loving Aussie girl at heart, Narelle Atkins was born and raised on the beautiful northern beaches in Sydney, Australia. She has settled in Canberra with her husband and children. A lifelong romance reader, she found the perfect genre to write when she discovered inspirational romance. Narelle’s contemporary stories of faith and romance are set in Australia and international locations.

4 replies on “Tuesday Book Chat | How many books have you read this year?”

  1. So far I’ve read 116. There will be at least another 2 more, but my target is 120. I do use Goodreads to keep track and I’ve been participating in the Goodread Reading Challenge this year. I’ve done it for a few years now. My total includes fiction and non-fiction, but doesn’t include all the books I have to read for my job. If I included all of those it would be a couple of thousand – the joys of working in a school library and checking all the home readers before they go to classrooms!

  2. Hi Narelle – I’ve read 42. Goodreads is a great way to track what you read. You can join their reading challenge each year and nominate how many books you’d like to read. Then you can keep tabs on your progress. I also like being able to look back each year and see what I’ve read. Towards the end of the year, you can also click on a link to analyse your reading for the year (e.g. number of pages read, shortest and longest book etc). I also like being able to keep a ‘to read’ pile in Goodreads. Definitely worth checking out. It’s been a range or me this year – fiction, nonfiction, graphic novels, children’s, YA, Christian and mainstream.

    1. Hi Nola, Thanks for sharing your Goodreads tips & we’ll don’t be on reading 42 books! Since I sometimes read multiple books at the same time, and often start books that I don’t finish reading for various reasons (sometimes it’s life/migraines rather than disliking a book) Goodreads could help me to stay on track. 😊

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